14 Body Parts That Reveal Your Intelligence


We have always heard the theory is perfect for people who wear glasses. According to a University of Edinburgh article, there might be some truth to that. According to science, there are many ways in which a person’s body features can affect how intelligent they are. Many of them are more powerful than others. We may have been right to be cautious about people wearing glasses, but let’s just say a lot of other theories are totally incorrect.

1. Being tall

Older people are still cleverer than younger men. According to one hypothesis, being tall tends to give you respect, and traditionally taller people had more leadership opportunities, enabling them to gain more exposure to knowledge. We’d then transfer their height and rank to their babies. Older people tend to get better jobs, allowing them to better educate kids, who are likely to inherit their height and continue the process.

2. Larger breasts

According to one study, people with bigger breasts appear to have greater intelligence. This not only seemed that women with bigger breasts were the smartest overall, but they also found that women with big breasts were smarter than women with tiny breasts. This should be a reminder that myths should always be taken with a grain of salt.

3. Blue eyes

The blue eyes will exhibit a high intellect. Several prominent brainiacs, like Stephen Hawking and Marie Curie, had blue eyes. Sight penetrates more in the blue eyes than brown eyes and has less color than brown eyes. However, this can also make the eyes more sensitive to light.

4. A big head

Although there is a question about how much intelligence corresponds to the brain’s size, having a large head will make you smarter, but not for the reasons you think. Higher density of brain neurons will help the brain work better.

5. A broad forehead

Obtaining a wide front is a symbol of intelligence and skill according to the practice of reading the Chinese face. They are often commonly considered to be able to complete tasks faster and typically don’t have to justify anything to them.

6. Lack of ear symmetry

One study found that people who are less symmetrical, such as those who have an earlobe or finger longer than their counterpart, make better leaders and can avoid self-interest. The reactions of people to these abnormal parts of the body can cause them to develop stability.

7. Thin, smiling lips

Men may not always show off their lips with balm or make-up, but they may often make a point. Scientists believe a man with thin, smiling lips will appear smarter. Sad lips were taken as a sign that humans are less than intelligent. While it’s unclear how corelative this was, over time, people have grown to implicitly remember this feature.

8. A pointy chin

People always grew up noticing how a man’s chin looks to assess how smart he is. A sharper, narrower chin suggests a man is intelligent. A big chin means a guy is less than smart.

9. Body hair

People with thicker body hair tend to have higher IQs. The hairier people were found to be stronger learners. Research involving American medical students argued that almost half of the male trainee doctors in the country were very hairy.

10. A Roman nose

A 19th-century pseudoscience called “nosology” proposed a connection between the shape of a person’s nose and his moral character. A Roman nose or aquiline nose suggested that a person was good at making a decision. A straight nose indicated one person’s love of the fine arts. A nose containing large nostrils indicates an extreme, intelligent mind.

11. Smaller index fingers

The length of the finger can predetermine the SAT scores. One research reported boys with smaller index fingers were better than maths, and girls with smaller index fingers and ring fingers tended to be smarter as well.

12. Being left-handed

On average, left-handed people have a bigger callus corpus which helps them process information quickly. They also appear to have a better developed right-brain hemisphere.

13. Smaller waists than hips

For one study, women with smaller waists than hips or with a hourglass figure was found to be smarter than slimmer women; this was thought to be because they had higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids which gave more energy and also helped pregnant women improve neurodevelopment for their babies.

14. Average weight

The weight may therefore make a difference in another way. One study showed that men and women with overweight in some cases often had less grey and white brain matter than they did not.

Do you know any features which display intelligence? Besides, do you equate intellect with features? Let’s let us know!

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