9 People Shared Photos That Split Their Lives Into “Before” and “After”


Many occurrences can lead to significant changes in our lives, but only a few of us are able to capture these moments on video. Nonetheless, there are people out there who have suffered from their loved one’s serious diseases, surgeries, and breakups, yet have been able to document the most important changes in their lives.

1 “In March 2017, I took this picture of myself and my fiancee Olivia. I love this picture, but I hate it as well because it’s the last picture I’ve ever taken together. In a car accident, Olivia was killed.

2 “My mom’s photo was taken and shown later to a widower who wanted to marry her. Then it turned out that tuberculosis was concealed by the groom and his family and himself. Luckily, this guy wasn’t married to my wife.

3. “The photo was taken just after I found out I was suffering from Lyme disease. I was going to drop out of high school, but my friends helped me and kept me going through the last months before graduation.”

4.“There had been someone spreading rumours about my injuries being lies at my university. I had just been told by the doctors that, after a year of rehab, that my legs worked normally again.”

5. “I’ve been spending five years on a submarine. I fell into a depression when I returned home and had suicidal thoughts at some point. Two years ago this dog changed my life.

6. “My wife had just given birth to our twins in the hospital. She was already in labour when the doctors decided to do a C-section. Fortunately, everything went well.”

7. “I was only moving to New York City. I relocated from the country in which I grew up, I was in debt for $50,000, with ZERO savings in my account. I was on the brink of homelessness.

8. “After a spinal fusion, take my first move. This was the moment that absolutely changed my life.

9. “I gave birth to my first child two weeks ago. Isn’t it the happiest time in your life? I found out, however, that this was the day my boyfriend, her dad, cheated on me. The next day, while at work, I quit.