Photos That Have So Much Drama You Might Need Tissues


Some of the most heartbreaking and frustrating circumstances one can find themselves in is being trapped in the friend’s zone. According to Dr. Jeremy Nicholson, if you’re interested in someone who isn’t as interested in you, you should try to not pay too much attention to that guy. The person will not love you when you’re acting vulnerable but actually will take you for granted. Yet, no matter what the experts say, people are still trapped in the circle of mates, with the agony that comes from this condition being equivalent to being stabbed in the chest.

1. The eyes of heartbreak

© internetgod / imgur

2. You are too savage, woman.

© kartoqraf / reddit

3. Why do you even try?

© unknown / imgur

4. Like walking and bumping into a tree…

© TheHolyLordOfBacon / imgur

5. She is pure evil.

© Thescreamingstableboy / imgur

6. What are friends for? This:

© Thescreamingstableboy / imgur

7. Message NOT received…

© TheHolyLordOfBacon / imgur

8. Then just take pictures by yourself. Why torture poor Anthony?

© acidcow