Stupefying Photos That Seem to Have Been Taken in a Parallel Universe


At times, it seems very surreal to everything around us, and you can’t find out what’s wrong with the universe. A quick look at these photographs, however, will help you comprehend everything.

Seems like we lost the ​​​​​​​horizon!

© dittidot / reddit

Since when can I see different seasons from my door and window?

© hbrumage / reddit

I am afraid to look in the mirror: what if I am one of them?

© SuckieMcSuck / imgur

In some other place, a dog is probably catching a mouse at this very moment.

© Matteocray / imgur

I’m not sure what is missing: did they forget to paint the shadow on the wall or to cut the real trees?

© bigshmoo / reddit

Unbelievable! Maybe I am sleeping, and this is my nightmare.

© selrigo / reddit

Gasoline, diesel, coffee. What’s your car’s fuel?

© JoeyRobot / reddit

Looking at this photo, I start to believe in magic.

© OutFerARipAreYaBud / reddit

It seems they should have been replaced by people.

© hjh17 / reddit

It’s definitely a mistake.

© NotAYuropean / reddit