How to Get Rid of Bad Breath


Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common issue among people. Although improving dental hygiene is often the remedy, there are a variety of other factors that may contribute to bad breath. 5-Minute Crafts provides some home remedies for getting rid of it.

Always remember to seek advice from a professional before making any lifestyle changes. Also, keep in mind that bad breath can be affected by underlying medical issues that aren’t discussed in this post. If home remedies don’t work, make an appointment with your dentist. If he or she suspects something is wrong, he or she can refer you to a doctor.

1. Improve your oral hygiene


Although it may seem self-evident to many, poor dental hygiene is still the leading cause of bad breath. Brushing and flossing are necessary because your mouth is full of bacteria that break down food particles, and the combination of bacteria and rotting food creates a bad odour.

  • Brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, after meals, is recommended by experts, but this will only remove 60% of the bacteria in your mouth. That is why flossing and tongue cleaning are so necessary.
  • Before going to bed, rinsing and gargling with alcohol-free mouthwash can also help you better manage bacteria development.

2. Go to the dentist more often


This argument is related to the one that came before it. Plaque, a bacteria-covered film that protects your teeth, is likely to grow if you have bad dental hygiene. Plaque hardens and hardens into tartar over time, which can contribute to the development of pockets or small gaps between the teeth and gums, where food, bacteria, and dental plaque can accumulate. Periodontitis is the name for this condition, which can cause bad breath.

  • You can’t wash away tartar, so you’ll have to visit the dentist. If you think you have periodontitis, you must seek treatment as soon as possible, or the disease will worsen and damage your teeth.

3. Drink more water


Saliva keeps the mouth moist and clean. Since you’re not producing enough saliva to keep your mouth clean, a dry mouth can also trigger bad breath.

  • At-home remedies include drinking plenty of water, sucking on ice chips, chewing sugarless gum, and sucking on sugarless hard candy. However, if none of these remedies function, you should see a doctor because the dry mouth can be caused by a variety of conditions, including diseases of the salivary glands.

4. Change your diet


Onions, garlic, and coffee, among other strong foods and drinks, allow the stomach to absorb oils during digestion. These oils will enter your bloodstream and remain in your lungs for up to 72 hours after you eat, creating a foul odour. However, if you hurry or follow a low-carbohydrate diet, you can experience bad breath as a result of the development of ketones, which have a strong odour.

  • Reduce the consumption of garlic, onions, spicy foods, sugary foods, and coffee. If you’re on a special fasting or low-carb diet, speak to your doctor to see if there’s something you can do to increase your carb intake or control your ketones output. Increase the intake of avocados, almonds, and olive oil.