A Blogger Shares Photo Posing Life Hacks That She’s Been Collecting For Years


Blogger: Many people are self-conscious about how they seem in photographs and believe they are unphotogenic. However, the truth is that anyone can master the skill of posing for the camera. Oksana Prokopenko has been running her Instagram profile for several years, and she uses it to demonstrate the most common mistakes people make when being taken, using herself as an example. She also offers some tips on how to capture better photos.

1. Refrain from taking shots from above.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Taking a photo from above will make your legs and torso appear shorter, and you will appear larger than you are. As a result, you should request that the photographer shoots from a lower angle.
Accessories make shooting easier because you don’t have to think about where you’re going to position your arms. You can carry one in your pocket and the other in a bag, as illustrated in the photo on the right.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Remember to pay attention to your posture and facial expressions.

2. The position of your legs determines a lot.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

I frequently receive letters from girls expressing their desire for long, thin legs. However, the camera’s position and angle have a significant impact. To demonstrate the difference in leg placement, I purposefully did not modify the position of my arms. Never put your weight on two legs at the same time; instead, put it on the leg that is furthest away from the camera. Many people are unsure why they should stand on their toes, but I believe everyone can notice the difference.

3. Don’t stand in front of the camera directly.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

The close proximity to the camera will make you appear to weigh 6-10 pounds more. Turn three-quarters of the way around. Do not create a fist or place your hand on your hips.
To make your legs appear longer and thinner, bend the leg closest to the camera.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Avoid pushing your hips forward because it makes you appear heavier. It’s preferable to put your hands back and tilt your head slightly.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Standing directly in front of the camera with your legs together or at the same distance will visibly add pounds to your appearance, shorten your legs, and make them appear thicker, as demonstrated in the left shot. It is preferable to turn to the side or three-quarters turn the body.
Don’t hold your arms in the symmetrical positions depicted in the photo on the left. It’s preferable to slightly lower one arm or assume the position indicated in the photo on the right.

4. Maintain a positive facial expression and a smile.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

It’s not a good idea to close your lips like in the photo on the left because it appears unnatural. After all, no one laughs in public without revealing their teeth.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Duck lips are a fad that has passed us by.

5. One of the most common blunders is putting your hand on your body.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Because everything that is close to the camera enlarges by a couple of sizes, it causes the hand to blur and appear gigantic. Furthermore, avoid touching your face with your hands and instead arrange them as seen in the right photo.

6. Avoid putting your legs together if you don’t want to look like you’re standing on two sausages.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Place your legs in such a way that they have some space between them.
A three-quarter turn can trim you down to your ideal size.
Don’t hide your hands or put them too close to your body, as shown in the photo on the left.
Place one hand on your head so that your fingers are visible, and the other hand in your pocket.

7. When posing, draw the letter “S” with your body; this ensures fantastic shots.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Keep in mind that the photo should show two arms and two legs; otherwise, it will appear that they are missing. The location of your chin is another key feature to keep in mind during a photo shoot. If you don’t keep it slightly up, you’ll develop a double chin, as shown in the left photo. But don’t go overboard – you don’t want your nostrils to be visible.

Experiment with your hairstyle. If you have long hair, it’s occasionally advisable to pull it back for a more sophisticated look.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Always keep your back straight and strive to make a curve in your waist area, ladies.
Don’t cradle your neck in your hands. Lift your head slightly and pay attention to your facial expression.

8. Never look the camera in the eyes with your knees or elbows.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

To avoid appearing too basic, move your elbows and knees to the side.
Straighten your chest, stretch your neck, press your chin forward, and take your shoulders back. Every model needs to maintain a good posture.

When being photographed, never squint. Try closing and then quickly opening your eyes if the sun starts to blind you. You can lengthen your neck by turning to the side and slightly lowering the shoulder closest to the camera.

9. When posing in a seated position, there are a few guidelines to follow.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

One crucial tip is to sit on the edge of the chair so that your legs do not spread.
Try to stand on your toes and turn your feet to the side.

Always unbutton your outerwear if you’re being photographed in it (such as a blazer, jacket, or cardigan).

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

To prevent making your legs look as big as they do in the left photo, always bend the leg closest to the camera and lift it on your toes.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

It’s acceptable to slightly round your back and lean on your knee if you’re photographed while sitting to give the impression of vulnerability and defenselessness. But don’t go overboard! The upper body, neck, and abdomen should all be stiff; this has a significant impact on posture. Your entire body (head, arms, and shoulders) should be attempting to reach the knee.

10. Photograph yourself in a sitting position to disguise flaws in your body.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Imperfections like excess pounds around the waist or short legs can be concealed. To make the body appear feminine and proportional, the neck should be extended, the shoulders should be straightened, and the back should be bowed at the lower back. But don’t go overboard, because the tension in your posture and face may show up in the photo.

If you’re having a picture shoot outside and there’s a breeze, celebrate! There’s nothing like naturally wild hair to make you feel gorgeous.

11. If you’re being photographed from the side, pay attention to the details.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

Make an effort to strike a stance where both your legs and arms are visible.
Don’t make a fist with your fingers like in the photo on the left.

Place your hand on your leg with your back to the camera and sideways to the camera. If you can’t squint against the light, it’s best not to look at the camera; simply close your eyes or move your gaze away. This will give your photo a sense of intrigue and a unique ambience.

12. Don’t touch your hands to your face or make fists with them.

© Ksuha_blond / Instagram

You can either use the tips of your fingers to touch your face or make a “lily” as depicted in the right photo.
It’s vital to keep in mind that during photo shoots, your hands should be calm and soft, and your movements should be fluid.
Few individuals consider how their shoulders are positioned while being photographed, although they play a crucial role. Keep them at distinct levels if possible.
It’s never a good idea to hide your neck because it will make your face appear larger.

Do you usually like how you seem in images, or do you think there’s still space for improvement?

Preview photo credit Ksuha_blond / Instagram