Woman Who Earned $50,000 A Week Selling Farts Hospitalised For Farting Too Much


Stephanie Matto has also announced her retirement from Selling Farts. Stephanie Matto, aka the fart jar queen, was brought to the hospital’s A&E department with symptoms that resembled a heart attack.


After earning $200k from the business, the 31-year-old allegedly created far too many far jars. The medics ran an EKG on her right away but subsequently warned the former ’90 Day Fiancé’ star that she was consuming too many beans, eggs, and banana protein drinks, which are all part of her far jar diet.

Stephanie, who had no idea what was going on, believed she was having a stroke and that these were her final moments. I’d gone a little too far.”

Jam Press

“I recall having maybe three protein drinks and a massive bowl of black bean soup within one day,” the Unfiltered user said of the day leading up to her hospital visit. When I was lying in bed that evening, I could sense something wasn’t quite right since I could feel pressure in my tummy rising.”

Stephanie Matto Selling Farts

“It was difficult to breathe, and I felt a pinching sensation around my heart every time I tried to take a breath in.” “Of course, this increased my anxiousness,” she explained.

“I actually contacted a friend and begged them to come over and bring me to the hospital because I was having a heart attack.” That evening, I ended myself in the hospital. I didn’t mention the farting in the jar to my doctors, but I did tell them about my diet.”

“It was made clear that what I was experiencing wasn’t a stroke or heart attack but very intense gas pains.”

She was then issued a prescription for gas suppression medicines, which meant she had to shut down her $1,000-per-jar fart jar company.

Stephanie’s go-to diet for business was banana protein smoothies. As she noticed multiple requests, she decided to create a business “on the spur of the moment.” But she had no idea they’d sell like hotcakes, and the sales started to climb.

“I began this venture by eating mostly protein muffins, shakes, and also hard-boiled eggs. Since then, I’ve decided to branch out a little bit and try some new recipes to keep it exciting.”

“Black bean salad, onion, ham, and pepper omelettes” with “an excellent protein smoothie with loads of banana” were her go-to foods while creating the jars.

“I think that certain foods produce better-smelling farts, so I usually tend to go with the smoothies as opposed to things such as cabbage and eggs.”

Because of her business, she has received a lot of bad feedback and even death threats. People complimented her as a “female boss” who “inspires them to be unashamed of who they are and what they do” most of the time.

However, the money kept coming in, and she explained, “I try not to react to these people and give them what they want, which is attention.” We need to stop shaming people for their choices in this day and age.

“Especially if their choices are hurting no one.”

Jam Press