5 Things That Happen to Our Body When We Shout Or Get Angry, and How to Control Anger.


In a study conducted in 2018, 22% of respondents said they felt angry, while 39% said they felt very anxious. And while being angry is a vital emotion for our survival, it frequently spirals out of control as our stress levels rise. It can also cause a variety of physical symptoms, many of which we don’t notice until the disease has advanced enough.

Anger Effects on Health; Check Out

1. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase.

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You may have observed that your pulse rate rises whenever you raise your voice or engage in a dispute. This implies that your blood pressure also increases, which explains why you appear agitated and have red cheeks with visible veins. Additionally, you are breathing more quickly and deeply, which helps your major organs receive oxygen and nutrients. Your hands and feet may occasionally feel cooler than usual.

2. Your immune system takes a hit.

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According to research, even thinking about a particularly contentious disagreement from the past can weaken your immune system for six hours. And those who typically maintain their composure and rarely become angry should be especially aware of this. People who lose their temper often may find that they experience more illnesses because their immune systems are less robust. They put their health at serious risk as a result, unaware of it until it’s too late, along with their rising anxiety.

3. Anger creates a variety of health problems.

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Stress hormones rush our bodies and brains when we become upset, permanently altering our metabolism. People who have unresolved rage issues may experience headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and even digestive disorders. In addition, intense anger may cause skin diseases like eczema to manifest. These persons, therefore, have a very high risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

4. Your memories might get affected.

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People’s memories are impacted by stressful conditions as well as actual head trauma, such as the kind that can occur while playing football. One of the options is engaging in an aggressive verbal exchange with someone in which you both use harsh language. After the argument is done, one or both of you may recall specific details differently or may have totally forgotten them.

5. Yelling can cause chronic pain.

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Yelling has negative effects on both individuals who shout and those who are shouted at, and the harm can begin very early in life. Multiple negative effects can result from screaming at children.

Their behavioural issues may worsen. According to another research, parents who frequently yelled at their 13-year-old children saw even worse behaviour the next year in their life.

Their brain growth alterations. The areas of the brain that handle sound and language appear to be different in the brains of those who experienced frequent yelling as children.

They can experience persistent pain. Back and neck pain, headaches, and even arthritis are a few of the conditions that could persist for the rest of their lives.

Yelling doesn’t win arguments.

According to research, when we are arguing, we tend to shout because we are overconfident in our arguments and underconfident in our ability to be heard. However, yelling, interjecting, and dismissing the opposing side’s arguments rarely results in victory. They must pay great attention, comprehend one another’s viewpoints, and capitalise on their differences. The only way to get your point across, be understood, and eventually persuade the opposing side is via reason and remaining composed.

How How do I control my anger? | Ways to overcome anger

There are certain actions you can do to manage your anger and depression:

1. Think before you speak.

To say something cruel and mean that you will later regret is the easiest thing to do. However, the harm will have been done, and the other person might not be sympathetic.

2. Express your frustration after you’ve calmed down.

You’ll be able to vent whatever irritates you in this way in a healthy and sensible manner. This greatly increases your chances that the other person will respect you and pay attention to you.

3. Take a timeout to find possible solutions.

Don’t let your state of mind sink you if you’re feeling overburdened; instead, take some quiet time. Try to remain calm and find sensible answers to your issues throughout that period. As long as you are motivated, you can handle anything.

4. Don’t hold grudges.

You can get rid of all the stress and resentment that a negative interaction with someone gave you by forgiving them. Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes and sometimes means well when they speak or act.

5. Try and look at things more humorously.

Sarcasm is different from humour, and you should be careful to tell the two apart. Humour will help you deal with difficult events and handle problems in your life more effectively by reducing your rage.

6. Practice relaxation techniques.

When anger arises, you can control it by taking deep breaths, listening to peaceful music, and repeating soothing phrases. You can do those at home when you’re relaxed or if something demanding comes up.

Do you have any suggestions for overcoming anger? Have you ever dealt with someone whose attitude was out of control and who therefore suffered from health problems?