Ugliest Woman: The Tragic Story of a Mother Who Chose to Be the “Ugliest Woman” to Save Her Children

Mary Ann Bevan, Ugliest Woman ,illness, children, sacrifice, battle

Ugliest Woman Mary Ann Bevan had to deal with the harsh reality of social criticism. She was a mother who gave her four children the greatest sacrifice possible. Bevan’s tragic story serves as a testament to the sacrifices mothers make for their children. Learn about the selfless act of love that changed history in this article.

Mary Ann Bevan’s early life & short-lived happiness

Mary Ann Bevan, Ugliest Woman ,illness, children, sacrifice, battle
Mary Ann Bevan’s Early Life

Mary Ann was born in 1874 With her family and seven siblings, grew up in East London. She became a nurse after completing her medical education. She later wed Thomas Bevan, and they lived a good life together.

How Mary Ann Bevan’s illness spread

Mary Ann Bevan, Ugliest Woman ,illness, children, sacrifice, battle
Mary Ann Bevan’s illness

Bevan started having migraines, facial deformities, and irregular growth after getting married. These signs and symptoms point to acromegaly, a condition brought on by too much growth hormone. However, the condition wasn’t well known at the time.

As a result, over the course of five years, Bevan’s appearance significantly changed. Despite this, her husband remained encouraging up until his unexpected stroke death in 1914, leaving behind Bevan and their four children.

Mary Ann Bevan’s sacrifice for her children

Mary Ann Bevan’s sacrifice for her children

Bevan’s vision began to become blurry as her illness worsened, making life more difficult for her since she also lost her work. Her looks made it nearly hard for her to find suitable employment, and she struggled mightily to make ends meet.

When nothing worked out, she made the decision to enter an “Ugliest Woman” competition in an effort to capitalise on her declining looks. She triumphed over 250 opponents to take home the championship and prize money.

Mary Ann Bevan’s battle was successful

Mary Ann Bevan, Ugliest Woman ,illness, children, sacrifice, battle
© Mary Ann Bevan / Wikimedia Commons

She was recruited to perform in a sideshow in 1920 by Samuel W. Gumpertz, a well-known performer at the time. She performed in circuses, such as the Dreamland Circus, up until her death in 1933 in order to feed and educate her children. People gathered to gawk at her size 25 hands and 11 feet.

Even though Bevan’s story is terrible, it serves as a shining example of what a mother will sacrifice for her kids. The term “ugly” may have been applied to her in the past, but she is recognised as one of the most beautiful and caring mothers in history.

Preview photo credit Mary Ann Bevan / Public Domain, Mary Ann Bevan / Wikimedia Commons