10+ Before and After Photos That Showcase Progress and Hard Work


Pictures were taken before and after weight loss, altering the interior design of one, or, for instance, taking care of a plant, are often impressive because they demonstrate major improvements. They are like films that are fast-forwarded to the most important moment instantly.

100 pounds in 2 years, down! I was never prouder of myself anymore.

© hmayo666 / Reddit

“Three months ago, Jo was adopted. In earlier photos, I barely recognize her, and I can’t believe how fluffy she got.

 migratingcocos / Reddit

I can’t believe that I used to prefer long & straight to short & curly hair! ”

 rebelprincessofmars / Reddit

The effects of cleaning and polishing my mom’s old purse from the ’80s, before and after! ”

 vstartledpancake / Reddit

“A friend of mine wanted someone to repair the cake she received from a decorator. I am proud of the clean-up work I do! ”

pungoturn / Reddit

“Since it was built in 1983, I don’t think our retaining wall has been touched.”

© TomVee83 / Reddit

Just over a year and nearly 175 pounds lighter,

 Unknown user / Reddit

The creation of this cocoon hanging from the side of our house is incredible. Pictures were taken eight days apart.

© Bomba268 / Reddit

“A week after surgery for breast reduction. With the results, I am overjoyed.

© gabdalessandro1113 / Reddit

Calamondin of mine! It makes me feel like a proud dad.

© PatrickTulip / Reddit

Have you done something with your skin, botox, braces, facial yoga, and so on? “-“No, I have only lost 43 pounds.”

© Hgxsrchgfch / Reddit

Preview photo credit gabdalessandro1113 / Reddit