Christie Brinkley Shows Off Her Toned Body on Her 70th Birthday


The well-known supermodel Christie Brinkley recently celebrated her 70th birthday in style. She proudly displayed her extremely toned physique as she enthusiastically embraced the thrill of growing older.

Embracing ageing with positivity

Brinkley posted some amazing pictures of herself in a black one-piece swimsuit along with a thought-provoking remark on Instagram. She said there is nothing to be afraid of when you become 70. Rather, she urged everyone to make their seventies their best year by looking after themselves, continuing to be active, and living a curious and humorous life.

You have the ability and choice to chose to rejoice rather than run away. You already know what to do: wear sunscreen, exercise, eat healthfully, and avoid sitting in the sunlight! Explore, be inquisitive, and embark on adventures—remember to bring your teeth. As the caption for her pictures, she said, “Really, laugh and love with all your might…and I promise you 70 will be all right.”

A joyful surprise from her kids

To commemorate her birthday, Jack and Sailor, Brinkley’s kids, threw mom a surprise beach party. She posted images of an enjoyable day spent with family and friends. She published pictures of herself in a bright red one-piece bikini, flaunting her toned figure, and she carried on partying for the next few days.

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