16 Crazy Examples When Fashion Went Out of Control


Fashion is a fickle beast that changes at a breakneck rate. You never know where it will take you if you pursue it blindly. The people in this collection tried to be fashionable at all costs, but they didn’t always use common sense when choosing their clothing. As a result, they got some odd results: some are obvious failures, while others are simply hilarious. Take a look at what they have to do!

1. When you have an unhealthy obsession with the royal family

© bagsofloveuk© bagsofloveuk

2. This is a blouse for the bravest of people.

© membershipreward/reddit

3. This isn’t the right outfit for showcasing your thighs…

Embed from Getty Images

4. When you love cinnamon buns:

© Beastmonger/reddit

5. There’s no exit.


6. Detachable jeans

© mysticalmisogynistic/reddit

7. Tortilla man

© vktorry/pikabu

8. When you want to be on time:

9. When you forget you’re no longer a little girl:

© trendmutti

10. Can you even walk wearing these?

© subwaynsk/vk

11. “My girlfriend bought this dress.”

© Callmedemid/pikabu

12. “That’s a cool outfit, man!”

© Butusevi4/pikabu

13. Spring has come.

© subwaynsk/vk

14. Looks like she forgot an important part of her outfit…

© whatwattwat/imgur

— “Take a seat.”
— “Thanks, I’m good.”

© vat712/pikabu

16. “My friend sewed a punk rock denim jacket for her cat.”

© elpintogrande/reddit

Bonus: Marilyn Monroe dressed as a potato bag.

Embed from Getty Imageswindow.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’AnNEEvBnQLZEL9fH0dXyvg’,sig:’C2k8unxSHF5Bhceb0dk1DODjKeDHKbLHwS-7HC9S0J8=’,w:’477px’,h:’594px’,items:’149910457′,caption: true ,tld:’in’,is360: false })});

Which of these images seemed to be the most bizarre? Tell us what you think in the comments section below!

preview photo credit trendmuttiwhatwattwat/imgur