9 Effective Daily Exercises for Women After 40


A crucial point in life is the beginning of middle age. It is in the mid-40s that muscle mass begins to decrease and fat deposits begin to build up, according to Ken Fox, Professor of Exercise and Health Science at Bristol University. This can result in obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke, and cancer in some forms.

1. Don’t let your metabolism slow down — do BURPEES.

High-intensity exercise increases our metabolism, which after a certain age is more than sufficient to inspire. So we should do this exercise once or twice a week to avoid the deceleration of metabolism. Start with one set of 3 reps and each time you add another repeat. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

2. Keep it firm — do SQUATS.

Each woman wants to have around back but due to the decline in muscle mass, even the luckiest ones who naturally had it without any preparation will start losing it after age 40. Proper squats (with a straight back and knees right above your feet) can tone your entire body and prevent injury by enhancing your flexibility.

3. To fight and prevent back pain — do a PLANK.

Doing this exercise 3 times a week for 90 seconds is a great way to tone all of our body’s core muscles. This strengthens our legs, the chest muscles, and those around the backbone. Our whole mid-section tightens our lower back and protects it.

4. Protect yourself from arthritis — push DUMBBELLS.

Chronic joint pain can affect people of all ages, and it’s never too early to start avoiding it, and strength training is one of the best ways to do it. You don’t have to lift big weights for hours. Doing deadlifts or overhead presses with 1-3 kg in each hand 2-3 times a week can do miracles for your body.