10 Exercises You Can Do to Lose Belly Fat, If You’ve Got Only 10 Free Minutes a Day


A saggy and flabby belly, especially if you’re very busy at work, is an annoying thing to remove. It takes at least an hour for the entire gym routine and sometimes you can’t find time for it. Fortunately, it can help you to achieve your dream body even 10 minutes a day. There are easy, fast, and effective exercises you can do in the morning or the evening, and it will take only 10 minutes!

1. Warm-up: jump rope

Jumping rope is the best way to start your workout and heat your body. This intense cardio is all you need to improve your strength. Repeat for thirty seconds.

2. Plank with a knee to elbow

Targets: For your ribs, glutes, hip flexors, obliques, and shoulders, this board is excellent.

What to do:

-Place your forearms on the yoga mat and place your elbows under your shoulders.
-Move your left knee to your right elbow, keep your heart and back engaged.
-Hang on for a few seconds and return your foot.
-Do with your right leg the same thing.
-Alternate 30-40 second feet.

Tip: You can do this exercise on a yoga mat or on an advanced level body ball.

3. Side plank oblique crunch

Objectives: This movement works in your oblique region to burn fat.

What to do:

-Lie on the right side of your yoga mat. Place your feet at each other’s edge.
-Stand up on your elbow and lift up your thighs. Keep your body from head to heels straight.
-Place the left palm behind the head and slowly push the left knee to the left elbow.
-Keep and return for a few seconds.
-Repeat on both sides for 40 seconds.

4. Crab toe touch

Objectives: Crab toe touch stimulates the muscles of your abdomen.

What to do:

-start the yoga mat, bend your knees and put the hip-distance of your feet apart. Place behind you your feet.
-Lift your body from the surface, relax your back, but activate your heart.
-Lift one leg up and try the opposite arm to touch your bottom.
-Hold on for a few seconds and bring back your leg and arm. Repeat then with the other.
-Repeat with alternating legs for 60 seconds.

Tip: Don’t bring your hips too high at the end, because the higher you lift them, the harder the exercise will be.

5. Stability ball mountain climber

Objectives: This movement activates the muscles of your abdomen.

What to do:

-For this exercise, you’ll need a stability ball. First, put your hands apart from each other on a ball of 18-24 inches.
-Return your legs and help your body as shown in the above picture. Make sure that your body remains straight.
-Lift your left knee to your chest and keep your heart engaged. Hold it and put it back down for a second.
-Alternate the arms and keep the stability ball firmly.
Perform the 30-second exercise.

Tip: You can do this exercise on your yoga mat if you don’t have a stability ball, starting in a board position.

6. Warrior balance

Objectives: Warrior equilibrium addresses the stomach, head, arms, hamstrings, knees, and feet.

What to do:

-Stand in front of your body on your left foot and raise your right knee to hip height. Keep your back bent on your elbows.
-Bend your arms forward and stretch your right leg behind you.
-Hold a little bent on your left leg so that your body is parallel to the floor.
-Hold this position and return slowly for 10 seconds. On the other hand, repeat.
Repeat 60 seconds on the sides.

7. Russian twist

Objectives: This strengthens all of the core muscles, obliques, and backbone.

What to do:

-sit down on the floor and put your legs in front of you.
-Lean back a little bit and get your legs up. They should be bent on the knees slightly. Start with your head if your knees meet.
-Stay engaged with your balance and heart and start twisting your torso side by side. Don’t get your legs moving.
-Repeat for two minutes.

8. Downward dog crunch

Targets: The heart and glutes are aimed at this exercise.

What to do:

-split the shoulder-width of your hands on the ground, lift the ass and keep your legs straight. Make sure your spine is straight and between your arms your head is right.
-Bend your right knee to the right elbow and push your back with it. Pause for a second, then bring your leg in the air slowly.
-Stay in this position for a few seconds, then return your leg to the right elbow.
-Repeat on every leg for 30 seconds.

9. Lunge with a spinal twist

Targets: This yoga exercise strengthens the abdominal area, rib cage, and shoulders.

What to do:

-align your feet with your shoulders on the ground. Shift your right foot 90 degrees to the right and shift your left foot slightly to the right. You have to line your shoes.
-Turn the body to the right, then turn left so it’s perpendicular to the right foot.
-Bend the right knee and keep the feet tied up. Place your left hand next to your right foot in the ground. You will lift your left hand up to the sky.
-Hold both hands straight, holding the position for 10-20 seconds.
-On the other hand, repeat.

10. Medicine ball slam

Objectives: Ball of medicine slams goal triceps, belly, shoulders, calves, back, glutes, and quads.

What to do:

-get a ball of medicine and stand apart with the shoulder width of your feet.
-Place the ball over your chest.
-Use your arms to bang the ball on the floor as hard as possible. Then pick it up. Keep engaging your arms, your backbone, and your heart.
-Perform slams for one minute.

Illustrated by Oleg Guta
