Hilarious Students Who Were Bored And Come Up With Epic Creativeness In Their Textbooks

Students, Bored, Come up, Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

Most of us had previously been bored in a classroom and had the urge to draw something in our textbook. Now, it’s not that we don’t appreciate the people behind the books, nor do we mock people who have historical meaning. Yet, when we were adolescents with a streak of rebelliousness, our imaginative minds just couldn’t resist.

But those sketches and suggestions must be admitted to being much better than what I did.

Well! One very beautiful fish!

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

The kind of spoliation we are okay with.

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw


Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

Can You Hear The Sound effect: Woosh...LOL

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

Epic One! LOL

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

When You Are Legend In Creativity! hehe

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

Selfie Craze.

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

Wtf! She is doing with him???

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw

Please try hurling it!

Students, Bored, Come up,  Creativeness , Textbooks, classroom , urge , draw