5 Gross Habits That Are Actually Good


Even though we’ve all heard that it takes 21 days for a habit to take hold, there isn’t any solid evidence to support this claim. Recent research indicates that it takes at least 66 days for a new behaviour pattern to become automatic. Although we tend to think of all of our bad habits as being really bad, not all of them are as bad as we think they are.

5. Spitting

Spitting can be offensive, especially when done in public. However, it might make it easier for you to breathe when you’re working out.

We typically breathe through our noses, which warms and humidifies the air, enhancing the body’s ability to absorb oxygen. However, when we exercise, we often breathe through our mouths, which stimulates the production of additional saliva, which disrupts our breathing patterns. Therefore, spitting out the excess mucus that is created after jogging is quite normal.

4. Chewing Gum


While chewing gum has been shown to be a superior study and test-taking aid to caffeine, while having no nutritional advantages. By increasing cortisol levels, chewing gum can help you concentrate, improve your memory, manage stress, and maintain hormonal balance.

3. Farting

Your body releases gas up to 25 times per day and about 3-5 times while you sleep, even if you are unaware of it. About six hours after eating, your digestive tract typically begins to produce carbon dioxide and methane, which your body can expel by farting. Abdominal pain or bloating may result from straining to hold the gas in.

2. Burping

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An effective burp after a large meal is beneficial for your stomach since it helps to release it air. Avoiding a belch and holding your stomach’s contents in may result in a splash of gastric acid entering the gullet, which may then lead to chest pain.

However, if you find that you burp excessively during the day, you should probably visit a doctor as this could be an indication of acid reflux disease.

1. Skipping showers

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Daily showering removes some important oils from your skin and hair that is needed to maintain their hydration and protection. Numerous beneficial microorganisms that your skin needs to keep supple and attractive might be destroyed by even hot water without soap. Therefore, skipping showers once or twice a week is entirely normal and even healthy for you.

Are there any “gross” habits you have? Your thoughts on the behaviours described in this article? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment!
