Halle Berry Reveals How She Keeps Her Youthful Appearance at Age 56


Halle Berry never stops inspiring us with her stunning appearance, whether it be in her 2004 Catwoman role, which became instantly recognisable, or in her more recent performance in John Wick. Her followers may ask how she has such a great body at the age of 56, and she’s opened out about her secret.

It comes from her childhood.

Halle Berry diet and exercise

Berry has always been involved in sports. “Core training has always been a key component of my workout routine because I grew up performing gymnastics,” she said. Yet, maintaining a healthy weight after having kids was challenging. She then understood that maintaining the body she had built would require much more effort.

Motion is the key.

Halle Berry 20-Minute workout

The most important realisation, according to Berry, is that “you have to continuously switch things up—otherwise, you don’t see change or definition.” She therefore never commits to a set fitness routine. Instead, she is given new exercises to complete by her personal trainer.

The secret to her perfect body is quite unexpected.

Halle berry ab workout

Halle Berry’s 5-Move Ab Workout

  • Crescent moon hand walk with a push-up: three to five reps
  • Foam roller palm roll-out: perform for 30 to 60 seconds
  • Foam roller knife hand roll-out: perform for 30 to 60 seconds
  • Single-arm isolation plank: perform for 30 to 60 seconds
  • Lateral crawl sandbag drag: complete five to 10 reps
Halle Berry Ab Workout

Halle has experimented with a wide range of techniques throughout the years to get the ideal physique. She did, however, admit that martial arts had been “one of the biggest game-changers for my abs throughout the years.” She typically incorporates mixed martial arts (MMA), such as jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, and Capoeira, into between 30% and 50% of her fitness regimen. She emphasises that engaging your core is something you do consistently when doing MMA.

She observed that you were always bracing, turning, and dodging. It is a recipe for having very defined abs.

Though, she also sticks to a proper diet.

halle berry breakfast sandwich

Berry is extremely attentive to her diet in addition to her rigorous fitness regimen. Halle adheres to a Keto diet, therefore her meals are often high in fat and low in carbohydrates.

Nonetheless, breakfast is the most important meal of the day for her. Eggs and avocados are two essential ingredients for Berry’s breakfast. “I enjoy avocados and egg whites… I’ll fry the eggs in avocado oil,” Halle replied. She also makes sure to eat vegetables with her breakfast, and tomatoes are usually what she chooses.

However, it’s all about balance, after all.

Halle Berry Smoothie

Berry is aware, however, that putting your body under chronic stress is not healthy. Because of this, her routine becomes more relaxed when it is not necessary for her profession. I established a schedule of four hours of exercise every week, she said. It aids her in maintaining physical fitness while preventing stress overload.

Preview photo credit Catwoman / Warner Bros. and co-producershalleberry / Instagram