Kevin Sorbo, “Hercules” Star, Calls Men’s Fashion in Hollywood “The Masculinity Crisis”


Hollywood actor Kevin Sorbo, 65, who is well-known for his roles in Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, is speaking up about his concerns over contemporary masculinity. Sorbo claims that he is no longer able to work in the entertainment sector because of his conservative beliefs.

For his roles as Captain Dylan Hunt and Hercules in Andromeda, Sorbo became well-known. He has gained notoriety for expressing strong conservative opinions, which he says has caused Hollywood to “cancel” him.

In his piece, Sorbo critiques how men are portrayed in Hollywood, characterising them as either foolish characters or macho guys who abuse their power. He contends that “woke” Hollywood unfairly makes fun of fathers in particular.

Additionally, he comments on the sight of men on red carpets donning skirts and dresses, saying, “Today’s society fundamentally misunderstands masculinity… On the one hand, we like normalising androgynous males in dresses and skirts.

He went on, “Timothée Chalamet, GQ’s 2019 best-dressed man, for example, frequently wears clothes that your grandfather wouldn’t have been caught dead wearing Chalamet.”

Billy Porter, 54, is another person Sorbo singles out besides Chalamet. Kevin, the celebrity, called the current fashion industry trend of embracing androgyny “the masculinity crisis,” while boasting of his ascent to fame as a Greek demigod.

But it’s important to keep in mind that men have worn dresses since the Roman Empire, and this is a style choice that has been seen on runways for many years. More and more people now accept the notion that gender does not dictate what can be worn.

Moreover, being sensitive and freely expressing your feelings does not make you any less of a man. Actually, research indicates that men who adhere to the conventional “macho” norms—which require masking their feelings—run a greater risk of developing depression and making poor decisions.

Preview photo credit Hercules: The Legendary Journeys / Universal Television and co producerstheebillyporter / Instagram