Mom Is Criticized By Followers After Removing Baby’s Birthmark With Laser Treatment


On TikTok, a mother has drawn criticism for utilising laser surgery to remove a sizable blemish from her child’s face.

Social media user Brooke, who goes by the handle @brookecyn, responded negatively to comments made by users labelling her a “child abuser” because she believed that her son’s medical care was what was best for him.

The mother of two has always kept a diary of her interactions with her son Kingsley. More than half of the newborn’s face was birthmarked with a big port wine stain. After consulting with doctors, Brooke decided to have the birthmark laser repaired to spare her baby from having to cope with it as he grew older. But when she discussed this online, she faced a lot of criticism. Many online users attacked her decision to subject her child to the treatment in the comments section of her videos.

“Oh my Jesus Christ, how can you do that to him?” wrote one, and another said, “I think this is just wrong, they should wait until he is 18 and can decide for themselves if he wants it removed or not.”

“To be honest, this is agony. You ought to have done additional study. Another person said, “There are other ways to help it fade that are way safer and don’t hurt.”

Since then, Brooke has made it her mission to inform her followers about the procedure’s necessity for her young son. She clarified that the treatment was his sole practical option in several videos.

“Because it is a birthmark with a port-wine stain, that is why we began using the laser so early. Birthmarks stained with port wine do not go away; they do not fade. They can get lumpy, darken with time, and cause health problems,” she warned in a TikTok that has received over 308,000 views.

“It is best to start the laser earlier in their life because the skin is more receptive and less resistant at that age. They will require additional sessions in the future as it grows more obstinate over time, said Brooke.

She continued by saying that she was treating her son for the sake of his health rather than for vanity.

“In my opinion, he is the world’s most gorgeous boy. It p** me off that people believe this is merely cosmetic when it isn’t. I don’t give a f if he has a blemish on his face or not,” she remarked.