Money Heist’s Nairobi Spoke Fluent Telugu For A Film And Fans Can’t Get Over It


Alba Flores, who plays Nairobi, is one of the team’s most talented actors, according to all Money Heist fans. And Nairobi is one of the most badass and cool characters ever!

Source: small-screen

Nairobi alias Alba appears to be proficient in more than just sarcasm. Because she reportedly spoke fluent Telugu in the 2013 film Vicente Ferrer.

Nairobi featured in the film Vicente Ferrer, where she played Shamira from Andhra Pradesh, according to a fan source.

Source: Instagram

She may also be seen speaking fluent Telugu in the film in a video uploaded by Movie Volume.

Her presentation was well-received by the audience:

Wow, @AlbaGlezVilla speaking fluent #Telugu. Another reason to love her more. @NaveenPolishety
, bro you gotta watch this 😍— LVRS (@BellaCiao9214) May 20, 2020

What a wonderful performer!