20+ of the Most Wholesome Glow-Ups That Make Us Believe There Was a Touch of Magic


Beauty is a highly personal term. But one thing is certain: it takes not only luck, but also hard work to stick to your health and body plan, grow with self-love and self-esteem, and find your own style. It’s stressful at times, and you can feel like giving up, but these Reddit and Instagram users show that it’s all worth it and that anything is possible.

1. A mesmerizing difference!

© gwilymcpugh / instagram

2. “I’ve lost 85 pounds. I’ve got at least another 25 to go, but life is so much easier now.”

© asionahaya / reddit

3. “From 14 to 22, I grew into my skin and started hating everything.”

© t**gwvffle / reddit

4. “I used to despise myself,” she says. A commercial modelling contract was offered to me this week. The weight loss helped, but the most important factor was enjoying myself.”

© slclgbt / reddit

5. Age 16 vs 20

© anna_alabama / reddit

6. 246 lbs (111.5 kg) lost in 1.5 years!

© Gravuerc / reddit

7. “10 to 20! My nickname used to be ’ugly.’”

© minjewe / reddit

8. “I lost 100 pounds (45.3 kg) and now work as a full-time model!”

© saxplayer0 / reddit

9. The distinction between mid-20s and mid-30s is evident.

© 7fingersphil / reddit

10. Same chair. 3 years later.

© dusty_lost_300lbs / reddit

11. “When I was insecure and hated pizza (17) vs. When I still love pizza and have grown to love myself (25)”

© Fonzevil / reddit

12. I’d had enough of not looking how I imagined myself to be, and now I’m 19 to 23.

© Xenia2111 / reddit

13. “After a rugby injury, I lost 50 kg (110 lbs) in 18 months, began rowing for my university, and earned my MSc in mathematics.”

© Teddyzander / reddit

14. “14 to 23, it’s been an awkward decade for me.”

© cocoamilky / reddit

15. “Miss Morgan, a headgear girl with four bangs. Keep smiling, former and new ducklings!”

© Treklow / reddit

16. 4 years later (16 to 20, some huge progress)

© IntrepidCommission / reddit

17. 7 years can make a crazy difference.

© reddits***discs / reddit

18. “11 to 30, braces were good to me.”

© u_bit / reddit

19. 16 to 19 — It’s like 2 completely different people!

© D***_Hatred / reddit

20. 6th grade and 21

© dfish357 / reddit

21. “18 vs 23, I’m just a late bloomer I guess.”

© JohnnyWarlord / reddit

22. “I always knew deep down I was a blonde. (12 vs 15 vs 20)”

© ilovebubbles23 / reddit

23. 18 to 24, a solid transformation

© camelorcat / reddit

Do you have a picture of the before and after? In the comments section below, we’d love to see your pictures and comments.

Preview photo credit minjewe / reddit