Recently, “Yodha” Sidharth Malhotra took the social media world by storm when his ramp walk video in New Delhi for designers Shantanu and Nikhil went viral. With his powerful chemistry with a female model, the actor stole the stage.
Sidharth is seen embracing the model and striking poses with her while out on a stroll. The actor’s collar is deemed a part of the choreography as the model pulls it playfully during a moment of intimacy between the two in the viral video.
Here’s how netizens reacted
Viral Paparazzo ”We get it gals, we get it Siddharth Malhotra setting stage on fire with hotness,” Bhayani commented beside the video that he posted on Instagram. Social media users quickly shared their opinions in the comment section of the platform shortly after the clip went viral. “Kiara, watch your man,” one user commented. “The girl is sooo impressed by his charm. Not her fault, another person wrote. ”Me bata rahi hu, aaj Kiara bohot pitne wali hai,” said a third user. Pooja Aakash, a user, commented, “Ab Sid ki khair nhi….. pata nhi kya karegi Kiara.”
Sidharth on the professional front
Regarding his career, Sidharth was most recently seen with Disha Patani and Raashii Khanna in Yodha. The movie made a little over Rs 11 crore in revenue worldwide and over Rs 35 crore nett in India, turning a profit at the box office. He is working on a few major films, including Aankhein 2, which is directed by Abhinay Deo and features Amitabh Bachchan and Sanjay Dutt. Alongside Janhvi Kapoor, he will also appear in the movie Spider. In addition to this, he is working on an untitled project with Siddharth Anand, the director, and a movie with Shasank Khaitan.