16 Pictures of Celebrity Lookalikes You Can Hardly Tell Apart


Statistics show that there is at least one individual on the planet who looks strikingly similar to you.

We’ve compiled a collection of 16 photos of ordinary people who bear startling resemblances to celebrities.

Ryan Gosling

© Johannes Laschet© depositphotos.com

Johannes Laschet is a German fashion blogger who is also a law student. This kid rose to prominence as a result of his striking likeness to Ryan Gosling, the famous actor and heartbreaker.

Audrey Hepburn

© Charlotte© Paramount Pictures

Charlotte Tighe, Audrey Hepburn’s lookalike, has amazing taste, allowing her to choose great retro costumes.

Ariana Grande

© Jacky Vasquez© Ariana Grande

Jacky Vasquez is frequently mistaken for pop diva Ariana Grande, and she is frequently approached by admirers who want to snap a picture with her.

Katy Perry

© francesca_brown© eastnews.ru

Even Katy Perry’s biggest fans can be perplexed by Francesca Brown. This young lady aspires to be an actress and hopes that her similarity to a well-known celebrity would not jeopardise her goals.

Cara Delevingne

© Olivia Herdt© depositphotos.com

Olivia Herdt has the same thick brows and facial features as Cara Delevingne, the model and actress. She is a yoga instructor who resides in Uruguay and has her own YouTube channel.

Megan Fox

© Cláudia Alende© Megan Fox

Cláudia Alende, a Brazilian model, is just as lovely as Megan Fox.

Taylor Swift

© april_gloria© depositphotos.com

Taylor Swift’s most striking doppelgänger resides in Kansas, United States. April Gloria is a superb cosplayer who is pleased to emphasise the resemblance with her appearance and cosmetics.

Ed Sheeran

© Ty Jones© Ed Sheeran

Ty Jones, Ed Sheeran’s doppelganger, describes himself on Instagram as “Ed’s wicked twin.”

Emma Watson

© meganflockhart© depositphotos.com

Megan Flockhart, a British blogger, enjoys dressing up as various movie characters. Her transition into Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) from the Harry Potter film series is simply amazing.

Miley Cyrus

© mardeeraquel© Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus’ doppelganger has nearly 30,000 Instagram followers because to her vibrant and provocative style.

Selena Gomez

© Phanthegerow Louiselle, © Selena Gomez

This stunning Malaysian beauty is ecstatic about her likeness to Selena Gomez. The young lady has already begun her own career and has appeared in a film in her native country.


© Ellinor Hellborg© Adele

Ellinor Hellborg is a Swedish makeup artist and beauty blogger. Her photos went viral almost immediately after she shared them on Instagram. Her fans dubbed her the “Adele twin” right away.

Leonardo DiCaprio

© Konrad Annerud© 20th Century Fox Film

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Swedish “twin” is a model and skateboarder. In the event that the film Titanic is remade, he knows where to find the actor who will play Jack.

Britney Spears

© britalike© Britney Spears

Michaela Weeks is the “authentic doppelganger” of Britney Spears, the famous singer. She has her own show and frequently performs at concerts.

Kit Harington

© HBO© facialfollicles Follow

We’ve discovered two Kit Harington duplicates. The first (in the photo above) owns a “direcat,” while the second (in the photo below) works in a supermarket.

© pikabu.ru© HBO

Arnold Schwarzenegger

© AP Photo/Lionel Cironneau© imgur.com

Here’s Arnold Schwarzenegger and a doppelganger from a different race.

Preview photo credit AP Photo/Lionel Cironneauimgur.com