People Go Through 3 Periods When They Age Faster Than Usual

wrinkles, ageing, young, age, tiredness, period, human body, lives, scientists and doctors

Ageing happens in 3 shifts.

We have become accustomed to thinking that ageing is a gradual process that adds to our lives, little by little, more wrinkles and tiredness. But recent research results turned out to be shocking — major age-related changes were found to occur in 3 stages— at the age of 34, then at 60, and finally at 78. And it doesn’t depend on the body’s genetics or features. All of us are going through these stages.

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© Connor Wilkins / Unplash   © Connor Wilkins / Unplash 

Scientists analyzed the blood of over 4,000 people of different ages and found a strange pattern: certain participants ‘ plasma concentration and distribution of proteins differed significantly from the rest. Only in people aged 34, 60, and 78, these variations were found.

Because the overall condition of the body depends directly on the quality of the blood, the researchers concluded that it is during these ages that major changes in ageing occur. Earlier, scientists were sure that ageing occurred smoothly and slowly, but it turned out that an individual is aged in 3 distinct changes, although we obviously do not age that during other cycles.

Modern healthcare will change dramatically thanks to these findings. Today, with the aid of blood tests, physicians will be able to evaluate the overall body condition and equate the actual age of a person with the actual health of their body. Of example, if the biological age is much lower than the actual age of a patient, as determined by the blood test, it indicates the patient has excellent health.

It will even be possible in the future to find out which products or habits affect a certain person’s youth and which organs age faster than the rest. This will help identify new diseases easily and extend the life of a person.

Who do “age shifts” affect more?

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We all have to go through these transitions, but in some individuals, age changes are more apparent than in others after the age of 34. First of all, this applies mainly to those whose parents have always looked at their age or older at least. It’s related to genetics: we inherit the capacity of the body to remain young and beautiful, and vice versa, we also get early signs of ageing from our ancestors.

The second group of risks are people whose biological clock is ahead of their actual age. For example, 2 people of 30 years of age may have a completely different body condition, all because the first person is 20 years of age “biologically” and the second person is 60 years of age “biologically.” The explanation is: within a single year, the human body can get 3 years older and not only applies to people with unhealthy habits. It turns out that every person’s inner age is influenced by the level of stress in childhood and even birth weight.

For people whose body has begun to age prematurely, the situation is exacerbated— the 34-year age shift will most affect them. Simultaneously, the signs of premature ageing are not limited by the sudden appearance of wrinkles or the loss of elasticity of the skin. Some of these signs are not even linked to the face’s attractiveness.

How do you know that prematurely your body gets old?

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  • Even after a small blow, when bruises surface on your skin and don’t disappear for several weeks, it’s a cause for concern. This skin condition is the norm after the age of 45, but it may suggest premature ageing when this occurs at the age of 35. Scratches are subject to the same statute. If the traces of a scratch from the claws of your pet do not disappear, this is an alarming sign even after 2 weeks.
  • When the skin on your hands becomes drier and thinner, and the veins shine through more vividly— this is another indication of ageing that shouldn’t happen at the age of 30, as it’s also an advanced age feature. If you’ve always had hands like this, though, then there’s nothing to worry about — it means it’s just your body’s personal feature.
  • If it’s hard for you to keep up with your partner as you walk and you unexpectedly begin to realize that you’re always behind you or your mate, who’s the same age, has to hurry you up during walks— that means your muscle tone has dropped. Being less fit than your friend of the same age is not common for your healthy and young body, particularly when you both have the same lifestyle.
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  • When you find you have extra fat not only in your waist and belly region but also on the back of your shoulders — scientists and doctors believe this is one of the clear signs that the body is beginning to work worse. At the same time, even weight gain is not a sign of premature ageing, but it will negatively affect your health if you have extra fat on your body.
  • When you notice that small brown spots have started to develop on your face, arms, and neckline, it’s the pigmentation— the skin’s reaction to the sunlight, which typically doesn’t start until 40 or, if it does, it occurs in very small amounts. Similar changes occur in winter for those who sunbathe without sunscreen and for those who do not use moisturizing creams with SPF filters.
  • You notice your family is starting to believe you are snoring. This torment is not only for those who sleep beside you, but it is also a sign of potential health problems: the risk of developing cardiovascular conditions increases, and the blood pressure also rises.
  • You have a menstrual cycle that is abnormal (in women). Such volatility will speak volumes about the potential for early menopause, usually starting between 46 and 54 years of age. If menopause begins a little earlier, it means your organs grow older than you are.

What to do to postpone ageing?

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“A month of healthy eating resulted in weight loss and a decrease in the burden on my back.”

First of all, instead of focusing on the consequences, you can just take care of your body ahead of time. And you should do this on a regular basis. Besides the well-known ways of sustaining young people, such as playing, sports, eating healthy food, and drinking enough water, there are less apparent but important things that should become a habit.

  • Track the blood supply and the amount of protein it contains. Those metrics will inform you about your body’s overall condition and it’s easy to track any changes once you know your standard.
  • Track your history hormonal. This is directly related to the ageing trend. Also, just use a doctor’s prescription to take hormonal medicines — the wrong pills will only aggravate your condition and may even cause weight gain.
  • Stop looking with your head bent down at your phone. This is the best way of getting unnecessary wrinkles of the neck. The same situation applies to watch TV in a horizontal position at night while your head rests on a low-level pillow. At all costs, try to avoid this place.
  • After the gym, wash your face. Frequent washing removes the skin’s protective layer, but the sweat that remains on your skin during physical training causes pain and inflammation, which in the future will lead to dryness and wrinkles. Therefore, after physical exercise, it is not only necessary to wash your face, but also in the evenings, as your skin often secretes oil and sweat during the night.
  • Spend less driving time. Each driving session is a stress to your body— it increases the levels of cortisol and adrenaline and causes both early wrinkles and general tiredness. Taking a walk is a much healthier way for the body. However, if you’re spending more than an hour driving to the workplace, you might want to consider changing your work for one that’s closer to home.

Did you notice major signs of ageing that suddenly appeared after the age of 34 in you or your friends? Please share the lifehacks that helped you in your comments to preserve your youth!

Preview photo credit Connor Wilkins / UnplashConnor Wilkins / Unplash
