17 Proofs That Profile Pics Are a Lie


Everyone has a photo of themselves that they consider to be their worst. Who else but our pals would post it on social media and tag us in it? There are plenty of celebrity photos available to cheer you up and illustrate that your photos aren’t the end of the world!

What do you think it’s like when you’re tagged in a photo you don’t like? Is there a valid reason to be irritated or angry? What if we told you there’s more to this problem than meets the eye?

1. Ariana Grande

© arianagrande / Instagram, © Meowsacakes / imgur

2. Jennifer Lawrence

© Depositphotos, © Meowsacakes / imgur

3. Rowan Atkinson


4. Vin Diesel

© vindiesel / Instagram, © unknown / reddit

5. Mila Kunis

© Reuters Pictures, © ncuxonaT / Pikabu

6. Cara Delevingne

© caradelevingne / Instagram, © caradelevingne / Instagram

7. Chris Pratt

© AcidCow, © prattprattpratt / instagram

8. Naomi Grossman

© naomiwgrossman / Instagram, © 20th Century Fox Television

9. Ricky Gervais

© rickygervais / Instagram, © rickygervais / Instagram

10. Demi Lovato

© ddlovato / Instagram, © MadmanDJS / reddit

11. Mike Tyson

© Depositphotos, © miketyson / Instagram

12. Liam Neeson

© Depositphotos, © kicker414 / reddit

13. Vince Vaughn

© Depositphotos, © TheStagulator / imgur

14. Scarlett Johansson

© Depositphotos, © ianiandinosour / reddit

15. Leonardo DiCaprio

© Depositphotos, © noonehastoldmebutithinkimfat / imgur

16. Marilyn Monroe

© skeeze / Pixabay, © tryntosurvive / reddit

17. Beyoncé

© beyonce / Instagram, © daevas / imgur

What are your favourites from this collection? If you have any photos like these, please share them in the comments!

Preview photo credit naomiwgrossman / Instagram, 20th Century Fox Television