5+ Reasons Why Accepting Your Body Hair Can Upgrade Your Life


Body hair is one of those taboo subjects that many people prefer to avoid discussing. Instead, they can try to frantically remove it with various methods in order to hide their appearance. They don’t always realise how much mental and physical effort goes into adhering to these exacting expectations.

We choose to look at these established criteria from a different angle. We’d want to talk with you about why it’s perfectly okay to forget about hair removal for a while. It turns out that it can be good for your body and make you feel better about yourself.

Others will notice how appealing you are.


Sweat glands aid in the release of pheromones, while body hair aids in the diffusion of odour. According to studies, our natural body aroma plays a significant part in attracting individuals around us. Armpit hair really helps to trap this scent, amplifying the action of pheromones.

You have the ability to be pain-free.


Hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, or sugaring can cause discomfort, irritation, and red lumps, particularly in people with sensitive skin. Regardless of how much physical agony they experience, many women continue to do so, convincing themselves that it is normal and appropriate. For the benefit of your own wellness and health, it’s sometimes vital to take a break and let your body relax.

I eventually came to a halt. I have extremely sensitive skin, so I spent years experimenting with different hair removal treatments and dealing with the ingrown hairs, rashes, and cystic-like lumps that resulted. I stopped shaving my armpits because they were particularly bothersome. I was going to wax my legs a few years back when I wondered to myself, “Who am I doing this for?” And I couldn’t think of a good answer to that question for the life of me. I still can’t do it. Hairy is still a thing. / reddit / Sorxhasmyname

After shaving, my armpits were usually itchy, so I stopped. I still shave my lower legs because the hair is really dark and dense there, but the hair on my thighs is barely apparent, so I leave it alone. / reddit / -breadstick-

It has the potential to improve your physical well-being.


Hair on your body has two purposes: to protect your skin and to reflect sunlight. It also helps to keep your body temperature in check. Between the hair and the skin, air is trapped, forming a layer that serves to insulate the skin from heat loss.

It serves as a reminder to put yourself first.


Accepting oneself is still a difficult task for many of us. We may continually critique our bodies and feel under pressure to conform to the world’s ideals of beauty and behaviour. Rethinking your connection with your body hair can be a big step toward developing a good self-image and feeling free to live your life your own.

I’m in such a good mood. With my leg and armpit hair, I enjoy putting my makeup and wearing a pretty feminine attire. I’m more confident and sexier, and I feel more honestly gorgeous. © iffle / reddit
I used to shave my legs, underarms, and private regions on a regular basis in high school because I felt self-conscious about my hair. I stopped doing it in the winter because I didn’t have anyone to see my hair for a while, and after the prickly stage, I really liked how it turned out! It made me appreciate my own physique even more. / reddit / ohlookitsdd

You make certain you’re in the company of the appropriate individuals.


Accepting your body hair might also assist you in finding individuals who genuinely care about you and accept you for who you are. They won’t make you feel self-conscious about your body or compel you to alter for them. Such folks, on the other hand, might make you feel accepted and empowered.

I quit shaving because I dislike getting razor burn or itching skin afterward. My guy doesn’t seem to mind, and being in California’s Bay Area, it’s not a big deal. Like myself, I notice a lot of girls with hairy armpits. When compared to the temporary smoothness of shaving, feeling the breeze through your leg hair is unexpectedly pleasant. / reddit / Hcat23

I’m half-Arab and live in Europe, and I’ve always observed that my body hair is darker and more apparent. I was fine with it until I was 12 and a girl in my class laughed at me. I was so ashamed of my body hair that I only wore long shirts and slacks throughout the summer for three years. Since the day I was allowed to shave, I’ve been removing everything below my nose a couple times a week. But everything changed when I met a boyfriend. When he said, “Body hair is natural,” I was still quite self-conscious about my body hair. It’s nice to have it out in the open. It serves as a reminder that I am not sharing a bed with a youngster.  © Naevok / reddit

You’ll be able to devote more time to other activities.


Over the course of their lives, women can spend more than $10,000 on shaving supplies and up to $23,000 on waxing. Embracing your body hair might help you break free from these habits. Instead, invest this time and money in your personal development or give yourself modest gifts to focus on your future. This will pay off later in the shape of better chances and a higher quality of life.

My arms were no longer shaved. Because I’m so hairy and my skin is so dark, I used to be quite self-conscious. I was convinced that something was wrong with me. I spend less money on shaving products and spend less time in the shower. It’s also ironic because I was just thinking about starting over. Then, the other night, I was in the hospital, and a nurse had to rip my IV tape off. I joked that it was like free waxing, to which she replied, “Not that you need it.” It boosted my self-assurance. My arms are regular human arms, and I am not obligated to do anything with them that I do not want to.  © tomorrowistomato / reddit

It might assist you in resolving past concerns.

In certain societies, female body hair is still considered undesirable. Some girls may be pressured to match the norms from an early age in order to get rid of them as quickly as feasible. This might cause anxiety and a drop in self-esteem. Recognizing and accepting your body hair will help you overcome your concerns and gain mental strength.

I only did it because I was bullied a lot as an adolescent due of my appearance and had low self-esteem. I did everything I could to blend in as much as possible. When I was a little older and no longer cared, I decided to stop shaving one day and see what occurred. There was no action. I never shaved after that. reddit.com/r/reusablethrowaway

What are your feelings on the subject of body hair? Do you think it’s possible to stop removing it altogether?