8 Warning Silent Signs of Brain Tumor


The structure of the total cancer cases of primary malignant brain tumour is 0.7-1.5%. The frequency of detection of brain tumours is 10 cases per 100,000 population (Japan), 7 cases per 100,000 population (USA).

It has been proved that tumours can be caused by physical, chemical, and biological agents called carcinogens.

The causes of brain neoplasms in grown-ups remain mostly unknown, but growth rates of brain tumours are associated with increased levels of environmental contamination.

Primary brain tumours arise from the numerous cells that form the brain and central nervous system.

The clinical manifestation of tumours is due to the following factors:

  • The direct effect of the tumor on the adjacent brain tissue;
  • Increase in intracranial pressure due to an increase in pressure within the brain itself.
  • Shifting of one part of a brain concerning other brain structures.

And here is some most common silent symptoms of the brain tumour:

1. Speech problem

Speech difficulties can appear as a result of a brain tumour. The nature of the speech difficulty will depend upon the type, size, and location of the tumor. People can instance have difficulty in naming objects, stuttering, or difficulty in grasping what others are saying.

2. Vision Problem

Some people can experience double vision when brain neoplasm is growing. Also, it can be a loss of vision, and it can develop within several minutes to a couple of days. It may affect one or both eyes and all or part of a field of vision.

3. Headache

First, not all types of headaches are a sign of a brain tumour. But if recently you have noticed persistent headaches (from three to six weeks) which do not react to pain-relief drugs. You may want to see your doctor.

This headache goes together with vomiting or nausea, double vision, numbness also can symbolize as a brain tumour.

Also, these headaches usually may be critical and worsen in the early morning.

4. Vomiting

Vomiting that occurs at the pick of a headache without prior nausea, unrelated to eating, often leads to a reduction in headache.

5. Changes in the psyche (Behavior change)

Individuals may also experience changes in personality, which only relatives or close people notice.
Somebody may also experience apathy, angriness, more easily irritated, showing loss of shyness, disorientation.

Besides, one second you’re relaxed and happy and, the next, you’re causing an argument for no obvious reason.

6. Changes in the heart rate, blood pressure

Changes in the heartbeats, blood pressure (these are late symptoms ) – the heart rate slows, the blood pressure first rises, then decreases.

7. Seizures

Seizures are frequently the first indication that undergoes when a brain tumor is present in those patients who do not have a medical history of it.

Epileptic seizures are a usual symptom in patients with a primary or secondary brain tumor.

8. Weakness and numbness

The feeling of dizziness can occur simply because your body is struggling with the tumor. Moreover, some sort of brain neoplasms causes numbness or tingling of the hands and feet.

Treatment overview

Treatment of brain tumours can be surgical, surgical followed by radiation therapy, or drugs treatment. Radical treatment is surgical removal of the tumor.

Some tumours of the trunk, thalamus are not obedient to radical surgery, and only partial removal of the tumor or palliative surgery is possible to correct the outflow of the cerebrospinal fluid.
The drug treatment is symptomatic and aims at reducing some symptoms.

If you are worried about any changes you experience lately, please talk with your doctor.
