12 Things That Will Help You in an Emergency Situation


8. Mosquitos, flies, and other insects don’t like the smell of burning herbs.

To protect yourself from being bitten by insects, throw a branch of thyme or some mint onto a fire. This smell can also scare wild animals.

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7. Use toothpaste to get rid of the itch from insect bites.

Toothpaste contains anti-inflammatory components that decrease swelling and redness. Menthol will cool down the bitten spot and reduce the itching.

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6. If you get scratched, put ChapStick on it.

ChapStick will help you avoid bacteria in the cut. You can also put some on your face to protect yourself from low temperatures and dehydration.

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5. Use a tampon to stop bleeding.

A tampon is sterile. It will absorb the blood and stop even a serious bleeding.

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