30 Things Proving That Japan Lives in 3019


When it comes to development, innovation, and service, Japan has long been a model for the rest of the globe. Whenever you visit Japan, you will be amazed by something. Hotel workers who are robots, elevators with attendants and shops without them, parking lots for umbrellas, and the strangest meals. These are just a few of the reasons why visitors admire Japan and exclaim, “Wow!” This is something I’d like to see in my country!”

1. Rice paddy art is the process of making images by planting several varieties of rice in a specific order. It has recently gained a lot of popularity in Japan.

© xxkiroxx / Instagram

2. A recent craze is grooming dogs into cubes.


3. “In Japan, I came across a pair of shoes that were meant to resemble a bullet train.”

© ImagesOfNetwork / Reddit

4. A cute mini McDonald’s

© japan_totally / Instagram

5. Do you want a melon that features your favourite character? It’s no problem!

© nathui518 / Instagram

6. This is the most well-organized luggage drop-off you’ll ever see. For simple picking, they’re all upright with handles pointing outward (taken at the Narita Airport).

© abiem01 / Instagram

7. An unsupervised grocery store where you must select the essential items and deposit the money in a jar.

© tsukachan91 / Instagram

8. A typical capsule hotel with everything a visitor would require in a small space.

© dearlydesianajoshua / Instagram

9. Seagaia Ocean Dome, one of the largest indoor waterparks in the world

© avenida_viaggi / Instagram

10. Japanese toilets offer built-in hand-washing sinks.

© illemu / Instagram

11. The bathroom has a lot of lighting!

© amit.lfc / Instagram

12. There are also baby chairs available.

© j_a_panadventure / Instagram

13. In Japanese department stores, elevators have attendants.

© porilovestoday / Instagram

14. In Japan, expectations meet reality.

© fio_jubi / Instagram

15. In Japan, there is a hotel where the entire workforce is made up of robots.

© teppei_umemoto / Instagram

16. “I went into a Tokyo police station to ask for directions to a location 3 blocks away, and the officer drew me a thorough hand-drawn map to ensure I found it. Wow!”

© mrtobbsie / Instagram

17. Japan is the vending machine capital of the world. From drinks to eggs, vegetables, and medical masks, they sell practically anything.

© mminded / Instagram

18. This vending machine sells umbrellas.

© gjeangenie / Instagram

19. “Alcohol cans have braille pushed in near the tab near the top.”

© gracebuchele / WordPress.com

20. In Japan, you may get ice cream in the shape of a fish…

© yb.adventures / Instagram

21. …and black fries.

© detail.kyoto / Instagram

22. Parking lots on multiple levels save space.

© porouquette / Instagram

23. World-famous products in Japan come in a variety of flavours.

© ImagesOfNetwork / Reddit

24. Portable ashtrays are available for people who wish to smoke outside of permitted smoking areas.

© Xaytek / Pikabu

25. In Japan, a bus driver will hold an umbrella above your head to save you from getting wet while you open your own umbrella.

© howmuchthereis2see / Instagram

26. And you may “park” and lock your umbrella here, safe in the knowledge that no one will steal it.

© monikakuelsheimer / Instagram

27. Tattoos that can only be seen in the dark

© mhoa / Imgur

28. This clever bra that “understands” how a lady feels and only opens when she’s with someone she genuinely likes.

© Ravijour

29. How smart!

© acidcow.com

30. While some Japanese inventions appear to be amusing, they are unquestionably innovative.

© rerereposter / Imgur

Which of the images took your breath away the most? Would you like to see any of these traditional Japanese traits brought to your country? Please leave your opinions in the comments section!

Preview photo credit Ravijour, amit.lfc / Instagram