7 Things That Help Chinese People Keep Their Body and Mind Young for Their Entire Life


Longevity does not necessarily imply health. Maintaining a young, active mind and body is crucial. Chinese people continue to astound us by achieving their objectives. One Chinese woman, for instance, was said to have lived for 135 years, which is very astounding.

1. They use 4 essential herbs.

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Chinese people maintain good health by using herbs. These herbs aid in obtaining the minerals we require, and they may also have a detoxifying impact. The four primary herbs are as follows:

  • As an adaptogen, ginseng supports the body’s response to stress.
  • As you get older, Huang Qi defends your body’s immune system.
  • Lingzhi promotes healthy ageing, memory improvement, and energy production.
  • Antioxidants like goji berries help reduce stress-inducing free radicals and other particles.

2. They use cordyceps.


Fungus called cordyceps has a unique history in Chinese medicine. By promoting cells and chemicals that kill cancer cells and reduce tumour size, it may enhance immunity. Natural cordyceps are quite difficult to obtain these days, thus it is made in laboratories. Moreover, it is used to treat liver and kidney issues.

3. They swim in cold water.

swim in cold water

A well-known Chinese blogger by the name of Liu Yelin is well-known for appearing younger than her real age of 50, which is 50. She advises swimming in cold water in addition to exercising daily, saying, “I swim in the lake and do weight training every day. Wintertime outdoor swimming is one of my favourite activities. My resolve and tenacity will be put to the test. I frequently had to push myself to complete it.

4. They connect sports with Qi Gong.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is a fantastic way to supplement your training and enhance your performance, including meditation. Your body and mind are better balanced, and as a result, you feel less stressed. The happier you feel, the better sleep you get, and the more attractive you appear. Also, sportsmen might use it to recover more quickly from injuries.

5. They pay attention to the Chinese body clock.

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Naturally, it’s critical to pay close attention to what you eat, but the Chinese body clock also stresses the importance of when you eat. For instance, warm, wet foods are preferable to anything overly rich, salty, or sweet for breakfast. This meal should be consumed between 9 and 11 in the morning.

The best time to have lunch is between 11 and 1 p.m. It should include hot, sour, and spicy meals as well as whole grains. Dinner needs to be served between 5 and 7 o’clock. As the kidneys are working hard at this time, you should eat healthy, light foods that are fresh. Fish and roasted meats are OK at this time.

6. They live in communities.

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Relationships within the family, community, and traditions are valued. Elderly parents rarely enter nursing institutions and frequently live in multigenerational families: “They frequently enjoy morning tea together every morning. It’s customary to enjoy dim sum at least once a week if they live apart.

7. Having children later in life

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One Chinese town where people tend to live long lives was recorded to have first babies born at an average age of 27, and last babies born at an average age of 42 or 43. They also eat more veggies and less protein.

How many years do you hope to live? Have you ever attempted a diet without protein? How were you feeling?

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