6 Vitamins and Supplements That Are Useless and 5 That Are Safe


To combat vitamin deficiency, we should be eating certain types of food that fill our daily nutrient and vitamin needs. When food is not adequate to meet our daily dosage, we can opt to take some vitamins and supplements to help our levels return to normal and lead a healthier life. These aren’t all free to use, though, and some may even be useless.


1. Vitamin C

Many people think vitamin C supplements are good for the treatment of common colds. Studies have found, however, that although some people may benefit from these supplements, there are no consistent effects that we obtain through taking vitamin C. In this case, foods rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, oranges and broccoli, are always better to eat.

2. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential to the health of our vision. When people do have a healthy and balanced diet, though, they don’t have to use it as a supplement. This supplement may also increase the risk of smokers developing lung cancer. Alternatively, you can have carrots and sweet potatoes.

3. Vitamin E

While supplements with vitamin E are thought to protect us from cancer, a study has shown that they are not healthy, and may even increase the risk of prostate cancer. That means that they are not as powerful as humans think. We may eat spinach, avocados, and nuts instead of taking this supplement to have natural sources of vitamin E.

4. Mass gainers

When people follow a healthy diet, mass-gainers are totally unnecessary. Some forms of supplements are also full of sugar, which can lead to people adding too much extra weight, rising diabetes risks and high blood pressure.

5. Fat burners

There is a lack of evidence to support the effectiveness of the fat burners in helping you lose weight. It has also been proven that fat burners cause liver disease, heart attacks and other health conditions, so it’s better to avoid them.

6. Multi-vitamins

Multi-vitamins are possibly amongst all the most common supplements. People really think they need to live a healthy life. However, this study found that multi-vitamin long term use actually increases your risk of death. Rather we should follow a healthy diet, full of all the nutrients that we need.


1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D fortifies our bones. Our natural source of vitamin D is sun exposure, but there are places around the world where people don’t have sufficient sunlight to get enough vitamin D. Because this vitamin is very difficult to find in food, it is best to take a supplement.

2. Omega 3

Omega 3 is a nice option to help those who don’t eat fish. Omega 3 reduces blood pressure and lowers the risk of sudden heart failure. Such supplements also help fight inflammation by increasing the calcium in the bones and enhancing bone and joint health. People who follow a vegan diet really should consider taking that supplement.

3. Vitamin B12

Even in high doses, vitamin B12 is a safe supplement to take. It is very effective for persons with hereditary B12 deficiency and anaemia. When you adopt a vegan diet, it is a good supplement to take too.

4. Protein powder (whey or soy)

Protein powders can aid toning and weight loss. Protein powders are considered total proteins when consumed in sufficient doses for a healthy lifestyle. Protein powders such as whey and soy provide essential amino acids required for the body to rebuild its tissues. Nevertheless, it turns out that beef protein lacks nutritional values, especially essential amino acids.

5. Green powder

Such supplements are made of fruits, greens, probiotics, spices, etc. When paired with a healthy diet, green powders have overall well been. They aid the immune and digestive systems, and they can make energy healthier.

Must you take any supplements for your health which do wonder?