Why More and More Women Have Stopped Shaving Nowadays


Approximately 85% of women in the United States may remove their hair on a regular basis, if not daily. Shaving isn’t a new concept; ladies in ancient Egypt and Rome may have shaved their bodies since it was deemed uncivilised to preserve it. However, times have changed, and many women nowadays have chosen to forego shaving in favour of a more natural appearance.

It is viewed by women as an act of self-love and acceptance of their bodies.

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Women may be self-conscious about their appearance as a result of beauty standards and society, and having body hair is a part of it. However, some women have chosen to prioritise their own needs and do what is best for their bodies, regardless of what others expect of them. It’s also not about criticising others who prefer to shave; it’s about your body and making your own choices.

  • I think it’s been approximately a year since I last shaved. I simply stopped caring what other people thought of my body hair and became much happier with my appearance. In addition, because I get a lot of ingrown hairs and have sensitive skin, not shaving makes me feel physically better. @ reddit / Queerandcurious
  • When I was 14, I began shaving my legs. I’m in New Zealand, and the weather is pleasant. I ride my bike everywhere, and while riding a bike in pants is acceptable in the winter, it’s a disaster in the summer. As a result, I’ve decided to start wearing shorts. Humans are mammalian creatures. Hair is seen on mammals. And, while I still have over 20 years of societal conditioning telling me that shaved legs are more attractive, they don’t look good enough to justify the effort. @ reddit / unknown

Women want to create an impression.

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Dealing with body hair can be difficult because ladies must make time in their schedules to properly remove their hair in order to avoid irritation. They must also worry about keeping their skin smooth, as hair grows back quickly. There are also a variety of beauty items that women must use, such as razors, shaving creams, exfoliators, and moisturisers, in order to achieve the greatest results and preserve their skin from the harm that shaving can do.

  • I quit shaving to free up time for other useful activities, such as focusing on my profession. I really timed every time I shaved for a month and came up with an 8-hour total. @ reddit / Poopoopeepeeworm

It’s sometimes a matter of health.

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Some people believe that removing their hair reduces their body odour, however this is not entirely accurate. Hair removal from the armpits aids deodorant absorption by the skin, whereas hair can act as a barrier, preventing absorption. This barrier, however, protects the skin from frictional harm. While every woman’s body is different, some women find that not shaving has more advantages than disadvantages:

  • In high school, I attempted shaving my armpits. It was great in the winter, but I despised the slimy feeling I got when I sweated without a hair buffer in the summer. @ reddit / NoseFlock
  • This is my second winter without shaving, and I honestly prefer it than being bald. It’s a lot better than having to shave every other day to avoid stubble. @ reddit / BigBoud

Women may have more pressing concerns.

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Some women are fighting against these imposed beauty standards, attempting to demonstrate that we are all free to flaunt our inherent beauty. They want to show that they have the power to make decisions about their bodies, to define “femininity” for themselves, and to feel good about themselves without being pressured by society.

  • Because body hair is natural, I quit shaving. I made the decision to cease doing it solely to satisfy people. Shaving has a misogynistic background as well. @reddit / radicalchanges
  • I stopped shaving my armpits last year. It seemed like a badass statement at first. When I was out in public, I felt free, brave, and a little embarrassed. Surprisingly, I now feel much more feminine and secure. This, I believe, was the result of bravery. I can still feel sexy in a red dress and lipstick. That is unaffected by my armpit hair. It serves as a wonderful counterpoint to my sometimes overly feminine aesthetic. I no longer feel obligated to please anyone. @ reddit / unnuka

Women are fed up with dealing with itchy skin.

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Even while shaving is less painful than other hair removal methods such as waxing, many women still have to deal with unpleasant side effects. Razor bumps and razor burn induce a red rash, soreness, and skin inflammation, causing a lot of suffering. And, because most women remove their hair on a regular basis, they are constantly exposed to the negative effects of this operation.

  • I quit shaving primarily due to skin irritation. My body can only be shaved once a week without becoming red and rough, yet my hair is clearly apparent after approximately a day. Only in the summer do I shave my legs once a week, and I trim anything else when it gets long enough to irritate me. And the biggest change it’s made in my life is that I’m no longer in chronic agony in 80 percent of my body. @ reddit user betsybraddock
  • Shaving and waxing have always been a nightmare for me. I developed terrible redness, sensitivity, ingrown hairs, razor bumps, rashes, and burns, and most people in my life were aware of this, so when I quit, they didn’t say anything. When I wear shorts and someone notices, I do get some strange stares. @ reddit / MJWatWat

Some women don’t mind their bodies being covered in hair.

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Many women don’t mind having hair on their body because it doesn’t bother them, and they may not even notice it. They don’t see why they should use their money to eliminate something that is natural in order to appease everyone else while neglecting their own comfort.

  • I never understood what the idea was. I was perfectly fine without shaving, but it was always my intention to do so so as not to offend others. Why should I irritate my skin and then become irritated when it grows back a few days later? Why should I make an exception for those who have never heard of me? I feel a lot better not having to worry about doing something I don’t want to do just because I’m supposed to. reddit user @Gluebluehue
  • Shaving is a pain in the neck that I don’t feel compelled to do unless when I want to. I appreciate feeling nice and smooth, but I’ve reached a point where I don’t give a damn. With a few exceptions, we’re all born with body hair that grows where our bodies want it to. @ arnber420 / reddit

Bonus: How quickly does body hair regrow


Everyone is different, and the rate at which hair grows varies from person to person. Shaving just removes the hair itself, not the hair follicle, thus it has no effect on hair development, and you may notice the first obvious hair sprouting back in a day or two.

Keep in mind that hair grows at various rates on different places of our body. As a result, you may notice that some portions of your body grow hair more quickly than others.

How long have you gone without shaving your legs or arms? How did you feel at the time? In the comments, we’d love to hear about your personal experiences.

Preview photo credit amandlasponsored / Instagram