Why You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night


A perfect sleep does not just provide you with the rest you need, but it helps keep you active the day after.

Everybody regulates the amount of sleep they need. Nevertheless, in usual, an adult needs to sleep 7 to 9 hours per night.

If you have not slept well lately or you wake up at the same time every night, you started to feel the results of sleeplessness

If you keep waking up at the same time every night, it can be a something spiritual or insight into what’s happening in your body, mind, and life.

By knowing the reasons why you wake up the same time every night, you can then find the solutions to enjoy a night of better sleep.

This is Why You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night

Table of Contents

Waking Up Within 9 pm – 11 pm

Waking Up Within 11 pm – 1 am

Waking Up Within 1:00 am – 3:00 am

Waking Up Within 3:00 am – 5:00 am

Waking Up Within 5:00 am – 7:00 am

Waking Up Within 9 pm – 11 pm

Waking up during this time is a sign that you are overstressed.

If you have difficulty sleeping quickly at night, it may be that you’re having trouble calming down enough to relax due to excess stress and worry from the day.

Also, mobile phone prevents you from falling asleep or having a good night’s sleep.

The light released by this mobile phone device may be more irritating than you think.

Sleep is controlled by the production of melatonin, a hormone released in the lack of light. If you look at the phone at night before bed, you limit the production of this hormone, and the result is, you can not sleep well.

It would be helpful not to use your phone in the bedroom before sleep.

Also, you need to manage your stress better. To lessen your burden, practice breathing techniques, add a little yoga to your day, exercising, and meditating.

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Waking Up Within 11 pm – 1 am

If you wake up at the same time every night, between 11 pm and 1 am, then you are having emotional struggles. It could mean you’re over judgmental on yourself or others.

You take care of yourself emotionally and stop passing judgment yourself. If you find yourself being judgmental, stop yourself.

Besides using the bathroom frequently during these hours is a warning that your gall bladder is attempting to tell you to eat less fatty foods, smokeless, reduce alcohol and caffeine intake.

Waking Up Within 1:00 am – 3:00 am

Waking up at this time is a sure sign that you are angry about something. If you’re always ill-tempered or upset, it can cause reduced liver function.

Waking up at this particular time could mean that your liver is struggling.

To begin healing your anger and liver, drinking a cold glass of water and practising meditation to help release angry emotions.

Also praying, thinking positively, practising gratitude, or performing little acts of kindness will make you happy.

Waking Up Within 3:00 am – 5:00 am

If you are waking up during those hours, you may be having problems with your lungs.

It’s the time when your lungs are trying to clear and heal.

It may only be an inability to breathe deeply and relax. Or it can also mean that God may be trying to tell you something.

To get yourself back to sleep, try some slow deep breathing, and express faith in God to help you.

It can help you to better process your emotions and help your body, mind, and spirit.

Waking Up Within 5:00 am – 7:00 am

If you wake up at the same time every night, it means you may be having issues with your large intestine, passing bowel movements during this time is normal, you should stretch your muscles, and it is always necessary to drink lot water at this time.

If you want to sleep back, try stretching your muscles, or using the restroom to help yourself get back to sleep.
