Woman Captures Expressions Of Strangers Reacting To Overweight People


People have prejudices against those who do not meet their standards in terms of physical appearance. It’s a hard reality that we must all acknowledge, but it doesn’t mean we don’t try to improve. When photographer Haley Morris-Cafiero captured a sneering crowd in a picture she snapped in Times Square in 2010, she discovered the power of a public’s gaze. We need to do better as people, folks, with movements like #MeToo and body positivity on the rise!

She began the “Wait Watchers” series to capture people’s public reactions to others. She notices that a lot of people are reacting negatively to her size! They weren’t even trying to hide it! The University of North Florida graduate, who describes herself as “part performer, part artist, part provocateur, and part observer,” this time shares those photos, and we have the top 20 finest comments from her collection.


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via

Haley frequently notices people staring at her appearance or commenting on her weight, and she has felt teased at times. Since its inception, Haley’s initiative has certainly gone viral, owing to people’s identification with her experiences, which many individuals connect to being commented on. The photographer never went all out for these shots, and she never did anything outrageous to get people’s attention on camera.


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via


Haley Morris-Cafiero -Via