Woman Makes More Than $600 A Month Renting Out One Side Of Her Bed To Lonely Strangers


A peculiar new trend called “hot bedding” is gaining popularity, and it’s getting attention thanks to Australian entrepreneur and reality TV star Monique Jeremiah, who coined the term. She went viral after revealing that she uses this concept to generate extra income, and surprisingly, it involves minimal effort.

Hot bedding may not be suitable for those uncomfortable sharing their living space with strangers. However, it’s an option worth considering for those willing to embrace a bit of “stranger danger” to save money on accommodation. Jeremiah explained, “It’s the ideal way to cut costs, live a simpler life, and, of course, not be alone. Hot bedding is perfect for individuals who can emotionally detach and share a bed with someone in a completely respectful and non-committal manner.”

Hot bedding essentially involves renting out half of one’s bed, allowing someone else to share the bed for a certain period. Jeremiah came up with this idea during the pandemic in 2020, a time when her life took unexpected turns. “Suddenly, I found myself single; my successful international education agency and student accommodation business collapsed overnight, and my teaching career lost its appeal as education moved online,” she recounted. “My life seemed to be falling apart beyond my control, and I realized that my only option was to innovate and think creatively. That’s how I came up with the concept of hot bedding.”

Monique Jeremiah emphasizes that hot bedding not only helps in saving money but also offers an opportunity for human connection. She believes it’s an ideal arrangement, particularly for individuals who value companionship over physical intimacy, such as sapiosexuals like herself. “It’s a situation that works best when two people respect each other’s space, values, and boundaries,” she explained. Jeremiah acknowledges that while many may find hot bedding peculiar, it suits her lifestyle. She stresses the importance of establishing clear boundaries and adhering to them to ensure comfort for both parties.

“Entrepreneurship is already a solitary journey as you build a company,” she noted. “So why sleep alone when you can share a bed with a companion who shares the same discipline and drive, all while making money while you sleep?”

As unusual as the hot bedding trend may sound, it appears to be gaining traction, especially as the cost of living continues to rise. A survey conducted at the University of Technology in Sydney in 2021 polled 7,000 international students. These students came from various countries but were studying in Sydney and Melbourne, with not all of them attending universities; some were enrolled in vocational colleges.

Tragically, approximately 40 per cent of these students claimed to have skipped meals due to financial constraints. Interestingly, 3 per cent of the students admitted to participating in the hot bedding trend as a means to save on rent. Among those engaging in hot bedding, around 45% were female, and 4% were aged 18, with the largest group (42%) falling in the 22-25 age range. Notably, about 35% came from low-income countries, while 50% were from middle-income countries.


One TikTok user shared their experience, saying, “I’m a medical student in New Zealand, and my friend and I do this. Of course, we weren’t friends at first; it was anonymous but decided to meet.”

Hot bedding may be an unconventional way to save or earn extra money, and it could potentially lead to lasting friendships. Sadly, the increasing global cost of living is pushing people to explore creative ways to make ends meet, resulting in trends like hot bedding and other innovative income-generating methods.