9 Ways You Can Add More Volume to Thin Hair


The hair needs special care and attention, like every part of the body. Including medical conditions to bad dietary habits, getting thin and damaged hair will reveal a lot about our health. There are several ways to add volume and to make our hair grow safe and beautiful, more importantly.

1. To turn up the volume, blend gelatin with essential oil.

One thing about gelatin that we might have overlooked is that it’s a super-rich protein source. It contains approximately 2 grams per 1⁄2 cup of protein, which is a lot. Therefore, thickening and repairing weak and damaged hair is the strongest ingredient for a hair mask. Combine tea, unflavored gelatin and a couple of drops of essential oil, then add the mixture to your hair and massage. Wait for a couple of minutes and rinse with cool water.

2. Create your own hair mask with eggs and Greek yoghurt.

Eggs are rich in protein, biotin, and B12 vitamin, both necessary to improve thin and oily hair. The thought of washing your hair with an egg may sound disgusting at first, but even after the first use, the benefits of its compounds will shock you. Take some eggs and blend them with Greek yoghurt, place the mixture on your hair and leave on for about an hour. You can then use a microfiber towel to wash your hair, dry it, and enjoy the results.

3. Sleep with your hair in a bun.

One of the best ways to give your hair length, while you are sleeping, will take action. Wash your hair just before going to bed and put your wet hair into a tight bun with a scrunchie. That way, your hair will dry overnight and you will see double the volume and waves when you get up the next morning. For a curlier feel, you can also try 2 buns. One thing you should know is that curls still give your hair a natural twist and texture.

4. Massage your scalp with a lightweight oil before washing.

A study showed that your scalp massaging would help your hair grow and thicken your hair. Massage helps pump the blood. Seek to gently massage your scalp before shampooing in a circular motion. Use a hair treatment oil or a couple of drops of coconut oil that is extremely beneficial to frizzy and damaged hair.

5. Include in your diet more vegetables, fruits, and protein.

Having thin hair not only reduces your hair’s thickness but also destroys it. You should certainly include greens and fruits in your diet if you want strong and healthy hair. In order to grow healthy, our hair needs iron, biotin and vitamins. Most vegetables are high in iron, like spinach and beans, and fruits are also great sources of vitamins, of course.

6. Visit your doctor for a check-up.

Even though it is not very common, there is a risk that the thin hair and hair loss may result from a medical condition. Thyroid disorders, vitamin or iron deficiency, anaemia, and hormone abnormalities are the most common associated conditions. There is also a condition called hereditary androgenic alopecia that can occur in your twenties or after menopause. So it’s always a safe place to start with a check-up.