10 Photographs Show How Our World Has Changed Over the Last 50 Years


During the last 50 years, the world has changed tremendously. Both technology and social media have played a huge role in society’s progression. People changed their ways of thinking, they became more compassionate but at the same time, more reckless and extroverted. There are, however, a few things that will always be missed — for example, the simplicity of life during that time.

1. Love Birds at the beach

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© vladghat / reddit© Lewy-G / reddit

2. Doing Painting Back Then And Now

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© balau / reddit© allerleirauh.kind / instagram

3. Pictures Of Christmas family

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© CincinNaples / reddit© edjfhsywe / reddit

4. Ladies riding motorbikes

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© Zack / reddit© all2wheels / instagram

5. Fashion Level TO a Whole New Level and Epic As Well

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© dittidot / reddit© skorpz / reddit

6. Men’s Wear

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© myluckystars / imgur© kellyJurfs / imgur

7. Girls take photos of their car 

There is a huge evolution that has happened in the field of car or motors in the last 50 years.

© deathakissaway / reddit© kyliejenner / instagram

8. Ladies stepping down the street

Ladies fashion sense has changed a lot in the last 50 years. It has completely gone from 0 to 10.

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© moonsprite / reddit© depositphotos.com

9. Waiting For a taxi

You mostly see people waiting for the taxi or any other travel source then he or she must be using their mobiles all the time no matter what.

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© EggsAckley / reddit© stuplays / instagram

10. Children on the train

Photographs, fashion sense, men, ladies, wear, car
© irish_fellow_nyc / reddit© jimmyevil / reddit

Is there something you miss from the days gone by? Now, what do you think about the age of 2018? Please tell us in the comments section below.

Preview photo credit vladghat / redditLewy-G / reddit