What Your Sleeping Habits May Say About You and Your Health


We sleep for a third of our lives, believe it or not. As a result, it’s reasonable to conclude that it has the potential to influence our personalities in some way. Furthermore, it is conceivable to wake up on the wrong side of the bed — right-side sleepers, it turns out, have a tougher time waking up.

2,000 Americans helped researchers.


The side of the bed you sleep on has an impact on your personality, according to a study by Slumber Cloud. Only employed citizens in the United States took part in the poll, which yielded some interesting results.

What your sleeping side of the bed says about you


People who sleep on their left side are not just left-brained, but also enjoy vintage music and drama films, according to the study. People who wake up to the right, on the other hand, are right-brained. They also listen to rock music and like action movies when it comes to watching movies.

Sleeping position: back


Personality: You are reserved if you sleep with your arms down, and open-minded and calm if you sleep with your arms stretched. You have high expectations, not only for yourself but also for others. People admire you for your ability to listen.

Health: If you have lower back problems, this sleeping position could make it worse. Furthermore, resting on your back may not be a smart idea if you snore. There are, nevertheless, certain advantages. Because your spine, neck, and head are in a neutral position, you don’t have neck pain.

If you sleep with a slightly raised pillow, that’s great! This is the best position for heartburn relief.

Sleeping position: stomach


Personality: You are one-of-a-kind, a great achiever. You have a high sense of self-worth, although you can be closed off at times and prefer to keep things to yourself. Furthermore, you despise being chastised.

In the morning, you probably notice how deep your wrinkles are. It should come as no surprise that this is the optimum position for obtaining nice, HD-quality wrinkles such as crow’s feet or nasolabial folds. Because sleeping on your back puts a lot of strain on the nerves in your neck, you’re probably also experiencing neck pain.

Sleeping position: side


Personality: When you sleep in a foetal position (knees close to chest), you appear tough on the exterior but are gentle on the inside. You’re affable and gullible if you sleep on your side with your arms close to your body.

Health: Because side sleeping keeps your airways open, it’s probable that you don’t snore at night. However, you may have shortness of breath from time to time, especially if you have cardiac problems.

Do you prefer to sleep on one side of the bed or the other? What sleeping posture do you prefer?