10 Innocent Habits That Could Hurt Your Relationship, and Ways to Fix Them


Many individuals continue to think that relationships merely happen to us. Most Americans, according to a survey, believe in soul mates. Even when we meet the ideal person, finding enduring love isn’t always simple.

But because love is what we all need, we thought it would be a good idea to discuss some typical habits that can ruin a relationship so you are aware of them.

1. You always compare your partner to others.

Comparing your partner to your ex-partners can be detrimental to your relationship for a number of reasons. First of all, it gives your spouse unreasonable expectations. Additionally, it will undoubtedly make your lover feel unworthy.

Try to concentrate on your partner’s attractive characteristics rather than their flaws, which, modestly speaking, we all have. And never forget that there is a valid reason why you and your ex aren’t still together.

2. You do everything together.

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Even while participating in a variety of activities together can deepen a relationship, balance is key. In fact, experts suggest that couples take time apart so they can follow their individual hobbies or simply unwind. In fact, taking some alone time helps keep a relationship lively and less demanding.

3. You display “loving” jealousy.

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A partnership is usually poisoned by jealousy. It is incorrect to believe that your partner’s love for you somehow justifies it. In addition to making you unhappy, jealousy will make your partner believe that you don’t trust them and wish to dominate them. You’ll probably constantly feel uneasy and alone.

It may feel awkward, but experts advise attempting to address your jealous feelings. Understanding why you feel the way you do will help you get over it and maintain the happiness in your relationship, though.

4. You try to be perfect.

For a relationship to be joyful and secure, you don’t have to be flawless. Nobody will benefit if they focus too much on striving to always stay in shape and appear great. Instead, centre your attention on yourself and your comfort to help you develop into a more secure version of yourself.

5. You lack confidence.

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When we lack self-assurance, we constantly wait for our partner’s approval. But your relationship actually won’t benefit from this. In actuality, having confidence in your appearance and self-identity is beneficial to the relationship. According to psychologists, having self-confidence is a desirable attribute that will draw a partner to you.

6. You over-compromise.

It’s beneficial for couples to have disagreements. You should feel free to voice your concerns without fear of retaliation, not compromise in order to avoid a conflict. Couples should develop the ability to resolve disputes amicably and respectfully in healthy partnerships.

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7. You spend all the time before bed watching TV.

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According to a study, even an additional hour spent watching TV can significantly reduce intimacy between partners. It takes away from the time that couples may have spent doing more intimate activities and leaves less time for resting and relaxing.

8. You try to solve your partner’s problems.

Even if you can help your spouse with an issue, it might not be what they need right now. According to psychologists, both emotional support and useful assistance are crucial. Therefore, if your partner is upset about anything, they might only need you to listen to them rather than offer a solution.

9. You don’t have a meal together.

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10. You wait for your partner to show affection.

You should be able to communicate your love if you want to keep your relationship pleasant and healthy. And the easiest way to achieve it is by expressing affection. According to experts, we should never lose touch with the part of ourselves that craves affection and physical contact.

What actions do you consider to be relationship-ending?