IAS officer shares a million-dollar life lesson in new post that you must not miss. Read here


If you use social media frequently, you may have seen tweets shared by IAS officer Awanish Sharan. He shares content that quickly becomes popular and is quite active on the microblogging platform. He published a thought-provoking article on the website on October 14 that can inspire you.

On Twitter, Awanish Sharan imparted a valuable lesson. He revealed a sketch that showed “my plan” and “God’s plan.” The latter was shown as a tough path with many obstacles, whilst the former was shown as a straight line to the end. “God occasionally acts differently than we might expect. However, God has an ideal strategy for your life “reads the drawing’s text.

“Life lesson,” Sharan captioned the post.

Take a look:

The post swiftly garnered a lot of attention from netizens, who agreed with the picture and its message.

“Very true,” a user wrote.

Another user commented, “The thing is, why does God need to prepare the perfect plan for me? I think God includes me for his perfect plan.”

See the comments here:

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