A Woman Stopped Doing Chores for 2 Days to Prove Her Husband Wrong


TikToker Lindsay Donnelly embarked on a two-day cleaning strike in a lighthearted attempt to discipline her husband after he made the careless remark that she wasn’t doing “anything.” Lindsay purposefully left the house in disorder to highlight the messy rooms and mess that had collected, and she documented her behaviour in a viral video. However, after the video became viral online, her strike took an unexpected turn.

Lindsay’s cheeky video caused quite a stir.

Lindsay’s cheeky grin in the video suggests that she is jokingly rebelling against domestic duties. With the caption, “Then I left town for a girl’s trip,” Lindsay gave the impression that she had abandoned her husband to take care of the household chores and parenting while she was away.

Viewers were not very kind to the husband.

Lindsay had no idea that the video had amassed millions of views and hundreds of comments, many of which were disparaging of her spouse, because so many others could identify with her predicament. The majority of respondents commended her bravery and some even urged her to split from the “ungrateful” man.

One person commented that Lindsay’s husband would continue to act as though he didn’t see the mess, and that it’s “sad” that she has to “play this game.”

Every time I go out with women, mine turns into a mad dash for chores. He expresses his appreciation for my hard work in keeping the house clean in this way. Ladies, don’t settle,” one wrote.

Even better, several readers offered wise counsel: “I did the exact opposite, texting him a picture every time I accomplished something.” Two days later, it dawned on him. Go, girl!

The circumstances took an unexpected turn.

Her husband was meant to learn a basic lesson from the strike, but things got a little out of hand. Lindsay chose to post a few follow-up videos where she thanked her husband and expressed worry about the attention that the films were receiving after realising the possible repercussions.

Lindsay admitted to her husband that the prior video went viral and gave an explanation of why she chose to inform him about it instead of risking him finding out from someone else.

She then implied that there would be a chance for him to apologise, but his quick and unenthusiastic “sorry TikTok” apology served only to provoke further criticism and unanswered questions from the audience.

In their reply, “I mean he apologised to us, but did he apologise to you?,” one person questioned if he had actually offered Lindsay an apology. Really, like,? Throughout the film, a different viewer noticed Lindsay’s tense laughing, which suggested that they were uncomfortable with each other: Why does she chuckle tensely throughout the entire video? The watchers wondered if she felt uncomfortable with him.

Commentary on Lindsay and her husband’s narrative is still being posted online as they deal with the fallout from their viral video. As we traverse the difficulties of marriage and close connections in today’s society, their position serves as a reminder of the negative effects that social media may have on interpersonal relationships and emphasises the importance of honest and open communication in both online and offline contexts.

Preview photo credit lindsaydonnelly2 / TikToklindsaydonnelly2 / TikTok