10 Facts That Show How Amazing the Female Body Is, Check Out


3. A woman’s mood depends on her hormones.

Many women know everything about PMS symptoms. Not every girl, however, realizes that her body is influenced every day of the month by her cycle. As the hormone levels in her brain and body are constantly changing, they also alter her mood, energy levels, and sensitivity.

For example, women often feel sassier around 10 days after their period begins and just before ovulation. We try to dress sexier over the course of these days to look more attractive to potential partners. A week ago, women tend to stay at home with a hot cup of tea and cuddle in bed with their loved ones as their progesterone levels increase.

We usually feel weepy and easily annoyed the following week.

2. Women go through adolescence twice.

During their 40s, the second puberty period for girls, or perimenopause, occurs. It is usually characterized by irregular periods, night sweats, and other things that are not so pleasant due to changes in their hormone levels. During this process, the hormones of a woman may be so wild that she may even act as moody as a teenager.

1. Women are experts at reading faces.

Women have the ability to read the faces of people from the moment they are born, accurately reading their emotions and feelings. This helps them to be more empathic towards others and to communicate better with them. Besides that, some studies show that women’s facial features have a perfect memory.

Which of these facts you were most shocked by? Have you ever heard of the female body’s other amazing things? Feel free in the comments to share your opinions!

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