10 Facts Proving Our World Is Full of Surprises


Science never stops discovering the universe and with surprising facts is always able to Surprises us.

1. The songs of whales sound like jazz.

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Scientists at California University, Merced, have created a special method to interpret and compare various sounds — from the human voice to thunder tone.

Investigation findings revealed that whales language has a similar structure to jazz music. And the thundering tone is similar to that of classical symphonies.

2. Scientists found the most attractive part of a female body.

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A group of European scientists discovered that a woman’s level of focus depends on how much she incurves the back.

During the experiment, scientists showed a male audience 3D models of female bodies and tracked their eyes’ reaction. Apparently the back curve was the most desirable spot.

3. Bones can be made out of Polythene

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Russian scientists from the National University of Science and Technology have developed a substance that can be used to make bone, joint, and muscle prostheses healthy and robust. It’s hard to believe but the polyethene usually associated with supermarket shopping bags can be used as a substitute for the best prostheses.

4. Birds work as “nannies” and expect to get an inheritance.

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Scientists found that some monogamous birds, instead of having their own nestlings, help other birds take care of their chicks. We do so because they want an inheritance: as the nestlings grow up, they leave their nest in search of a new home, and the rights for the lost territories come to the “babysitters.” It seems as if birds know something about forming business ties.

5. Flying motorcycles and cars

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Police in Dubai is now using Scorpion-3, a flying motorcycle. A flying car that can take off and land vertically, is the next move. Hopefully, we will battle potential traffic jams.

6. Fish might have emotions.

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An international group of scientists has shown that fish can emotionally respond to certain environmental factors. Scientists subjected the fish to some stress factors during the study and assessed their hormone levels.

7. A gigantic planet was found, which brings all of the modern science into question.

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Scientists have found the greatest planet in the Universe ever known. A gas giant called NGTS-1b disproves the planetary formation theory which exists. NGTS-1b would not have turned up according to this hypothesis. Scientists are confused, as the World seems to have many surprises for us.

8 Human saliva can heal wounds.

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The peptide histatin-1 in human saliva has been proved by Chilean scientists to help heal wounds more rapidly. Well, we knew all of that as children. This material is likely to be used very early in medicine.

9. Scientists discovered the secret of eternal youth.

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Scientists from the New York-based Albert Einstein College of Medicine learned something groundbreaking. During the ageing cycle, laboratory mice formed in the hypothalamus a new structure. The ageing process will be slow down after eliminating the new structure. Taking this fact into account, the scientists agreed that renewing the stem cells in the entire body is not enough to slow down the ageing process — it is enough to renew them only in the hypothalamus.

Plants have feelings.

European scientists have believed that trees can taste, and even fear, saliva from animals. To discourage deer they start resisting and developing tannins. Growth hormone development is later activated to make up for the damage. Mate and test, vegetarians.