12 Facts That Reveal How Special Your Body Can Be


4. Women live longer.

The female immune system copes better with both internal and external threats and its cells age more slowly, thus working more efficiently. That’s why women live to old age more often and get sick less often than men.

3. The female heart beats faster.

2. Your liver has over 500 functions.

Talk about busy bees — our livers do everything from filtering blood, to breaking down and absorbing fats, to processing cholesterol and some vitamins, and a ton more!

1. People lie more convincingly when they have to go to the bathroom.

People with a full bladder lie more convincingly. A strong desire to go to the bathroom makes a person concentrate on self-control and therefore, telling lies becomes more convincing. Moreover, they try to avoid any extra movements.

Illustrated by Natalia Tylosova and Leisan Gabidullina.<