There was an uproar after a fake female TTE was caught in the AC coach of Patalkot Express on Friday. The train, which reached Jhansi on the control message from Dabra, was handed over to the RPF along with the station staff. After reaching the RPF station post, after hours of interrogation, the matter came under discussion and informed the GRP police station. GRP has refused to take action against the fake female TTE based on no complaint.
The story that fictitious female TTE passengers were apprehended after verifying tickets in AC coach A-1 of train number 14624 Patalkot Express, which was travelling from Firozpur to Chhindwara, caused a stir. The phoney female TTE was brought to the platform and taken to the RPF station post by CTI Rajendra Kumar and female RPF personnel Uma Singh, according to information received from the Dabra station.
wherein, after hours of questioning, RPF was powerless to intervene. Following consideration of the issue, RPF got in touch with GRP to take action against the phoney female TTE. Because there was no complaint, GRP declined to take any action against the fictitious female TTE in this case. RPF now continued to develop new initiatives until late at night.
RPF claims that Jhansi station was contacted regarding a phoney female TTE. He’s been told to go to the GRP police station. According to GRP in-charge Yogendra Pratap Singh, a phoney female TTE was apprehended by RPF and taken to GRP. However, there aren’t any complaints about him or him in general. What grounds will the GRP woman use to take action against phoney TTE in this situation? RPF has returned to using the fictitious TTE woman.