18 Look-Twice Photos Where the Background Rocks


Sometimes the most exciting activity takes place behind the scenes of the major protagonists. However, these are unsung heroes who deserve our respect and genuine laughter. Have you ever been surprised by what animals or even children do behind your back?

We found 18 photographs in which the supporting players in the backdrop have both glory and fame.

A human being is being attacked by a cat.

© ivancko_f / twitter

You don’t understand jealousy until you’ve accidentally photobombed your older brother.

© tie_game / reddit

Shoes that are easy to put on and take off are necessary.

© meganjrudolph / imgur

The matrix is shattered.

© Scaulbylausis / reddit

When mushroom harvesting turns into mushroom hunting:

© Nakittina / reddit

When you make an effort not to look…

© MetalOverlord87 / twitter

When not everyone in the family is happy:

© theNick_C / reddit

The start of a conflict

© notyourmethlord / reddit

Every girl is a kitty.

© DogeLove / imgur

Batman is no longer the same.

© normalchildhood / imgur

This is your face when you’ve washed your hands 50 times and they still smell like onions.

© tookerder / imgur

Someone will always be able to improve your family photograph.

© whatthesunil / imgur

When you’ve let the woman of your dreams slip through your fingers:


“Isn’t it behind me…?”

© ngshay / reddit

I’m curious as to what he’s eating.

© Jerahmy ___ / reddit

Because standard stances are tedious.

© apersello34 / reddit

This guy has a knack for seducing women.

© soomanyfreckles / imgur

When you can’t believe what you’re seeing

© woody1130 / reddit

Which image is the most amusing? Do you have any other images to contribute to this collection? Let’s put together a fresh mixtape together!

Preview photo credit MetalOverlord87 / twitter