Men Reveal Why Women Get Way More Attractive After Having Kids


Along with the happiness of having a child, many women experience postpartum body image problems. They are made to feel less attractive and less appealing by new stretch marks and a few additional pounds. However, their husbands don’t feel that way. In fact, a lot of men openly confess that having a child has made their wives even more appealing.

Men who are among women experience a fresh start in life.

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A guy may feel that a new era has begun in both his relationship with his spouse and his own personality when he is anticipating becoming a new father. He has the chance to view his wife and himself from an intriguing new perspective. This is demonstrated by Justin Ervin, who wrote the following heartfelt tribute to his wife, Ashley Graham, on his Instagram: “These nine years have seemed to last forever. I suppose it’s because you entered my life at a crucial time. Let’s continue to build a life together now that we have one. Both you and I are loved by me. We’re all of us.

After becoming moms, women become more attractive to their husbands.

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A user on Reddit made the claim that having children makes women more attractive in the “Unpopular Opinion” thread. The majority of users agreed, stating that they began to find their spouses more alluring once they had one, two, or even five children. “My wife has two kids and she’s hotter than ever,” one user said. I keep reminding her about this.

Women have so much strength.


The most selfless deed that a woman can do is give birth to a child. It requires a significant emotional and physical commitment, and a woman’s duty skyrockets after giving birth. However, they never complain and are able to get stronger every day.

Women become even more compassionate and kind.

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Women usually find time to care for their spouses, even when a baby requires constant attention. They are always there for their guys, ready to help them through the highs and lows of life.

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Women do incredible things.

Any man who sees his wife carry his child to term and give birth to a child must concede that she did something impossible. It evokes a boundless amount of love and respect since it is beyond the comprehension of men.

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Women develop a closer, more personal bond with their partners.

Everything is altered by a new baby, especially the parents’ dynamic. The pair grows closer and develops an even deeper love as a result of this encounter.

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Women make men’s dreams come true.

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The most priceless gift that women can give their husbands is a devoted family. And guys will always be appreciative of it.

All mothers should continue to feel valued by their husbands, we hope. Have you got kids? In what ways does your husband help you? Post your comments with your ideas!

Preview photo credit mrjustinervin / Instagramashleygraham / Instagram