What the Mizoguchi Method Is and How It Can Improve Your Posture


Poor posture causes a lot of people to have discomfort in their bodies. As a result, the Mizoguchi method was born. It is made up of a series of simple exercises that take only a few minutes to complete. However, they must be done on a regular basis in order to adjust your posture and reap additional benefits without exerting too much effort. This was developed by Yoko Mizoguchi, a dancer who believes that her practice helps to release joints and regain flexibility.

What does Mizoguchi’s technique entail?

The Mizoguchi method is a form of physical activity focused on joint alignment and distension. The goal is to regain our bodies’ natural mobility and achieve an optimal body form without exerting excessive effort. This method was created by Yoko Mizoguchi for persons who have difficulty doing strenuous physical routines, such as those required for yoga or pilates, and who want to alleviate muscle tension. The best part is that Mizoguchi’s workout will just take you a few minutes of your time.

1. Walking with your buttocks


This activity, also known as bum-walking, entails moving about on the floor while walking with your buttocks. You must sit with your knees bent to the sides to accomplish this (as seen in the image). Swing to the sides while sitting up straight, as if you were walking and your bum was your feet. This exercise enhances pelvic and hip movement, which improves coordination and resistance, particularly when walking properly.

2. Shoulder rotations


This is one of the most basic and straightforward exercises seen in most workouts. This can be done while standing or sitting. To ease stress in your shoulders and neck, just move your shoulders in circles, starting with forward rotation and then backward rotation. It’s an excellent workout for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or who run an office.

3. Scapular rotations


For individuals who spend a lot of time sitting at an office, this is another highly advised workout. The concept is simple: move your shoulders to form an imaginary cross with your back. Begin by moving them from the top to the bottom, then from the front to the back. Last but not least, rotate your entire back from left to right. It will only take a few seconds, but it will help to relieve back strain.

4. Butt massage


This workout takes around a minute to complete and only requires a tennis ball or golf ball. Begin by lying down on your back on the floor. After that, place the ball beneath one of your buttocks and twist your hips for 30 seconds. Then do it again, but this time with the opposite buttock. You’ll improve hip mobility as well as relieve any muscular tension in your pelvis by doing so.

5. Ankle stretching


This workout can be done from your office chair and takes only a few seconds, so there’s no reason not to do it! Begin by stretching out your legs in front of you. Then, back and forth, move your feet. To get the greatest results, try to keep them from moving to the sides. This will relieve the strain in your ankles, allowing you to walk more gracefully over time.

Mizoguchi’s technique has a number of advantages.


The method offers various benefits for our bodies, according to Mizoguchi, because it concentrates on loosening up the joints in the hips, pelvis, arms, and legs without requiring severe physical exercise. She also states that if you follow the method and execute all of the exercises listed above, you will achieve the following results:

  • Regain the flexibility of your physique.
  • Muscle tension should be reduced.
  • On both sides of the body, improve balance, strength, and resistance.
  • Ensure that the neurological system is in a better state of balance.
  • To get a slimmer physique, do the following.
  • With the re-accommodation of your body, you can regulate motor function.
  • Get rid of your digestive issues (such as constipation).
  • Tone the muscles you don’t normally work out.
  • To produce a smoother and more graceful walking style, better coordinate your actions.

To get the most out of the program, complete each exercise for about 30 seconds and repeat the entire routine at least once a day, every day. Because it’s a basic routine, you can do it over your lunch break or even start while you’re still at work and finish later.

Do you spend enough time each day taking care of your body? If you have any more approaches or exercises that could help people lessen pain from sitting for lengthy periods of time, please share them with us.