20 People Who Chose Their Own Happiness, Opted for Plastic Surgery and Won


The ability to alter your appearance at will is the pinnacle of futuristic technology. Although we aren’t quite there yet in terms of making these improvements simple and readily accessible, we’re getting there. Some people choose plastic surgery to address health problems, while others do so for cosmetic reasons. However, they would all accept that the outcomes improved their self-esteem and trust.

1. “After ten years of surgeries, including chin, jaw, hair transplant, and rhinoplasty, this is me.”

© koffiano / reddit

2. “I used to be self-conscious as a child, but I’m glad I’ve outgrown it!”

© boucblanc / reddit

3. “My nose job really gave me a confidence boost! I got the perfect results.”

© gllacrimalis / reddit

4. “It’s been 3 weeks since my facial feminization surgery. “Facial dysphoria has almost vanished!”

© pixiethrowsdust / reddit

5. “I’m only sorry that I waited for 38.

© rhinoplasty38FTX / reddit

6. “I am so excited about the outcomes and so thrilled by my new nose and chin!”

© jackwayneg / reddit

7. “I love the results before and after a double overbite operation!”

© Veeeeezy / reddit

8. “My sliding genioplasty really balanced everything out.”

© justme12312342 / reddit

9. “To hide my nose I used to wear large glasses. I’m all right now when someone pics me!”

© stormiriver / reddit

10. “My breathing has improved dramatically. So did my quality of life.”

© b**chinawesomeblonde / reddit

11. “I’ve had prominent glands under my jaw for as long as I can recall. I’m happier now than I was twenty years ago.”

© Scully40 / reddit

12. “I’m starting to feel like myself again, healthier and happier! I started sleeping much better as well!”

© Fuzuza / reddit

13. “I did it for myself in terms of my health and my self-esteem!”

© cmonkey96 / reddit

14. “Fixing my highly deviated S-shaped septum was my main concern.”

© miserable_millennial / reddit

15. “I’ve been out for a month and couldn’t be happier!”

 © cscoggs06 / redd

16. “My nose used to be so crooked!”

© MermaidCurry / reddit

17. “It’s been three weeks since I had double-chin liposuction. It’s a huge boost, and it’s getting better every day!”

© T27T / reddit

18. “As soon as I saw my new nose, I fell in love with it. I shed tears of joy when I got the cast off because it was so dramatic!”

© alanaparks / reddit

19. “I’m still getting used to it,” says the narrator. It’s the nose I’d wished for for a long time.”

© lilcor0511 / reddit

20. “Aging backwards: 2017–2019, and now”

© SiffGallery / reddit

What aspects of your appearance can you change?

Preview photo credit koffiano / reddit