Photos Proving Men and Women Can’t Speak the Same Language


There’s nothing shocking about a man not seeing the difference between 2 identical dresses even though for a woman they ‘re completely different. People still don’t understand how women can clear snow from the car using shovels, why their hair sheds everywhere and why they need to make hidden Oreo stashes.

“A customer called us shouting we sold her a broken computer because ‘the numbers wouldn’t go away.’

“Today I was cleaning out our cabinets of old food and noticed the hidden Oreo stash for my mom.”

When your house includes a guy with a moustache, your sink will look pretty much like this.

“One of these is wrong. EVERY MORNING! Men.”

“Never, hear me, never ask your boyfriend for clothing advice.”

“Hey Babe, can you build some shoe shelves for ‘us?’ ”

“The way in which my wife ‘disposes of’ eggshells”

“For dinner, I told my husband to make boiled potatoes … It is what I have.

“I told Scott to unpack paper for toilet … Instead of the normal sweet 10-roll pyramid, I got this genius to boobytrap just waiting to smash over my head.

“If you come home late from work and your husband reveals that during dinner he may have had a minor accident …”

Also, Read Dove Cameron: Things You Don’t Know About Her